Awaiting reviewer selection desk reject reddit. id/mbaj4/choose-high-school-classmates-mod.

On the occasion that a reviewer withdraws from the process, the Editorial Team will begin the reviewer selection process again. Or (in one system I know of), that the editor has not assigned the necessary number of reviewers. Jun 19, 2018 · I submitted my paper to an Elsevier journal. Sep 15, 2020 · Hello, folks! I submitted my paper to IEEE EDL on September 6. Today, the status changed to Awaiting Decision. Aug 21, 2021 · If this status is updated soon after submission, it could mean a desk rejection. What can this mean? The platform is scholarone. It is tot Jul 1, 2020 · In case it’s a desk rejection, as you know, you can make any changes as necessary and submit to another journal. Your article has secured the minimum number of required reviewers. It is almost 5 months since resubmission, but the status has remained “Awaiting Reviewer Selection” since then. the employee of the publisher assigned to the journal) or the editor-in-chief assigns an editorial board member to handle the paper. After submitting a manuscript to a journal, some authors are focused on the outcome of the peer review process, forgetting that a ‘desk rejection’ is the first hurdle they have to overcome. For example, if two reviewers have engaged with your manuscript but a third reviewer has not been secured, or if a reviewer was secured but had to withdraw and hasn’t yet been replaced Jul 16, 2019 · Anyone give me some advice: I have made a major revision after receiving one very positive feedback and one very negative feedback for my manuscript. More specifically, though: You are looking for all sorts of formal reasons why the paper might have been rejected, or maybe why they wrongly rejected it. During reject and resubmit, I got comments from 2 reviewers, and May 8, 2024 · Desk rejection occurs when the editor of a journal decides not to send a submitted manuscript out for peer review. This status is rather uncommon. Here the status could show "Editor assigned", or it could show "awaiting reviewer invitation". Yeah just send the journal a message. If they do reject it without review, that week delay the paper was probably on the AE's to-do list. g. I applied for masters in data science quite some time ago but still haven't heard from them. Then I revised and resubmitted. Oct 24, 2018 · I just submitted a revised paper to ScholarOne (major revision). We use cookies on this site to enhance your experience. Also, keep in mind rejection rate without review in your journal. Does this indicate rejection? Asked on 19 Jan, 2021 Peer Review in Progress. At my journal we ask our AE's to make the initial decision (select reviewers or decline without review) within a week of being assigned a paper, but it often takes longer. Nov 5, 2019 · However, finally he/she seems to have found the requisite number of reviewers and sent out review invitations to them. ” Why has nothing been done with it? In some cases, ScholarOne will show that status even if a manuscript is under review. It was sent out to one reviewer only and the editor gave a moderate revision decision. Now the status is changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". The status of the manuscript is exactly what it says on the tin - that it’s awaiting the decision of the EIC. It was so for two months. " Should I expect a desk rejection? To bump this thread, got desk rejected after a month of status "awaiting reviewer selection. It means that this email you can celebrate a highly ranked and awaiting reviewer! Nov 12, 2018 · The status "Awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editor has sent out reviewer invitations. If all the reviewers accept the invitations, the peer review process will start and the status will change to "Under review. However, if the status is “Awaiting reader selection,” it would mean something completely different. 3. Jan 19, 2021 · After more than a year of passing through review > major review > review > minor revision > review, the status has been ‘Awaiting EIC decision’ for the past 20 days. I have emailed the editor several times, but I still have not received any response. However, yesterday the status reverted back to "Awaiting Reviewer Selection". Once enough reviewers have been selected, the manuscript will move on to the next stage. Jul 4, 2020 · I submitted my manuscript five weeks ago, and in a week, the status appeared as 'Awaiting Reviewer Selection. Auto-Enabling Camera-Ready We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. “Awaiting Reviewer Selection. " Apr 21, 2018 · The answer is that we can’t know. Feb 15, 2023 · Since then, the article has been jumping between "Waiting for Reviewer Assignment" and "Contacting Potential Reviewers" (10 changes of status now). After that, it changed to Awaiting Referee Selection once again. ” Scroll down to see the results returned from Web of Science TM Reviewer Locator* or to search for an existing reviewer in the system or to create a new reviewer account. You must write back to ensure it gets a proper review and you receive a detailed review report. Assisted desk rejects may involve obtaining one outside Nov 1, 2019 · The editors are reading it and checking their reviewer list. The article is quite technical and multidisciplinary, so I understand that finding reviewers is hard. " Then it changed to "Awaiting reviewer assignment" What does it mean? Will my paper be reviewed again? The status tells you which stage your paper is in. A link to reset your password has been I submitted my manuscript 3 months back. After that, it took three weeks for ‘Awaiting reviewer scores. So as the title says, I am in “awaiting reviewer selection” status in a mid-tier education journal, and it has been nearly 3 months like that. Peer reviewers are given 2 weeks to submit their review of your article. "Awaiting Reader Selection" But some people say "Awaiting Reader Selection" is different from " "Awaiting Reviewer Selection". May 21, 2020 · If however it is a reject, as you may know, you can submit to another journal, making changes based on any feedback from this journal. It is slightly strange that the status changed to “awaiting Ed decision” in a week’s time. It is indeed not rare to get desk rejection after several weeks. Then I revised and resubmitted the paper. While I am appreciative that the review time was relatively short (~30 days), I suspect that this may indicate a desk-rejection is imminent. For most manuscripts, in the first round of review, usually two peer reviewers are selected. ' However, just after a week (today, September 15), the status shows as 'Awaiting decision approval. 投的chinese journal of catalysis 目前状态是Awaiting Reviewer Selection,会被编辑直接拒搞吗? 还是现在还在选择审稿人准备送审了? fl_iceee 2024-07-15 269 次浏览 赞 619 Feb 26, 2021 · For further insights, you may go through this related query by another researcher: Why does my manuscript's status keep changing from "awaiting reviewer selection" to "awaiting reviewer assignment"? So, great. The next most likely result is a revise decision because something's wrong with your submission, e. Does that mean desk rejection? For this example, we will edit the Reject status to enable ‘Review Visible to Authors. co. The most likely result is a desk rejection. . Some editorial systems give the R: Responses on the format evaluation are sent to the authors in up to two business days. Aug 30, 2020 · Answer: The status ‘Awaiting Referee Selection’ typically means that the manuscript is awaiting peer review. It’s possible that the original review notice was internal, not external. For instance, it’s not clear if the initial status was ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ or whether there was some other status prior to that. My review paper just got desk rejected a second time after waiting for 2 weeks. This can take time as we await those responses. Does it mean the paper has been sent for peer review or is it still eligible for desk rejection? Please advise. After submission, the status changed to Awaiting Reviewer Selection. Awaiting EIC decision must have appeared after the first status while you did not check your status! It Appearing after short interval of awaiting reviewer assignment clearly means that associate editors have advised against it! Now the EIC has to make decision. This journal was the the most appropriate for this manuscript. Sometimes the handling administrator or editor are on holiday or busy. Instead, they reject it outright based on an initial assessment. After resubmission, it changed to "Under review" after 12 days, and then "Reviewer request completed" after another 3 days, but it changed to "Under review" again after 7 days. You can usually get things moving by sending a friendly follow up — I got one pushed through this way a month ago after it was “awaiting editor assignment” for 2 months. I submitted a manuscript that went through the entire peer review process. Mar 15, 2016 · Once a paper is submitted to a journal, authors eagerly wait for the editorial decision. Hi all, I am a junior faculty member and I wanted to ask advice on when to pull an article under review to re-submit to another journal. Assisted desk rejects may involve obtaining one outside Nov 24, 2021 · After revising and resubmit an article (the first peer review result was "minor revisions"), the status changed after 3 weeks to "Awaiting Decision". Once the review invitations are sent, the status changes to "Reviewers invited. ’ Go to the Settings tab and select Features>Paper Status. blogspot. (The journal I submitted to allows it to be reprinted by Mar 16, 2022 · I submitted manuscript in October, 2021. Click on “Take Action. Desk (or Bench) Reject Policy. ’ Now, it is almost a month since the status changed to ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. ACM permits both desk (or bench) rejects and "assisted” desk rejects. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I suppose that in most cases of minor revision, the revised manuscript will only be reviewed by the ADM or associate editor. 4 years ago # QUOTE 0 Good 0 No Giod ! Unless desk rejected, Reject decisions may be based on a thorough single review. The awaiting assignment. Sep 20, 2017 · It typically means that the paper has been received, has been put in the work queue of the editor, but the editor has not assigned reviewers. you forgot to submit a crucial figure, the paper's English is poor, and so on. My first paper also got rejected 3 times before settling on a new open access journal that is a sub-journal to a famous one. Because ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ means that the manuscript passed the admin and/or Associate Editor (AE) check and was awaiting peer review. Awaiting Editor Decision Peer review is an integral part of the publishing process, learn more about the peer review process, including: what the reviewer is looking for, the possible outcomes of peer review, common reasons for rejection, what to do if your manuscript is rejected, and how to respond to the reviewer comments. Revise and resubmit: The paper has been through the peer review my paper went from "under review" to awaiting EIC decision after about 5 and a half weeks. Nov 26, 2021 · I submitted a manuscript and the status changed from Awaiting AE assignment to Awaiting Referee Selection and then Awaiting Referee Assignment. Hopefully someone can come up with a reasonable explanation. Desk rejection occurs when your academic paper is rejected by journal editors before undergoing peer review. The reader may still be an admin staffer who conducts editorial screening before passing it to the editor. Assisted desk rejects are rejections based on the judgment of the EiC or an AE that a paper is either out of scope or so far from acceptable as to make external reviews unnecessary. Jul 19, 2018 · My paper was submitted to a ScholarOne journal and the submission status changed in the following way: "Awaiting review assignment" for 2 weeks, "Awaiting AE recommendation" for 1 week, and now it is "Awaiting SE decision. Do I just keep waiting, send another email? What should I do with this frustrating Yes, the chances of rejection have definitely increased in the bag held back by the editor. Via the Associate Editor Dashboard, click on the “Awaiting Reviewer Selection” queue. " Polite note from editors which revealed absolutely nothing about their decision. If it is low, then it more likely to be already after review. Awaiting Editor Assignment is the most common status. But how does the editor actually take the decision on a manuscript? This article explains the sequence of events that lead from peer review to editorial decision making: how the AE procures the completed reviews, assesses them, and finally comes to a decision on whether to accept the manuscript, request Sep 15, 2020 · I submitted my manuscript to a journal using the ScholarOne system. Mar 5, 2019 · In short, the switching of the status repeatedly from “awaiting reviewer selection” to “awaiting reviewer assignment” and back implies that the editor is having a hard time finding reviewers for your paper. The platform screens your manuscript to show areas of improvement. Should I be worried? Is there anything I can do to accelerate this process? The problem is, I am planning to submit an adapted version of the manuscript as a book chapter. It seems like 5 weeks is a very short time for it to be peer-reviewed, but almost 6 weeks under review seems like a long time for them to just desk reject it. But the decision is actually made already. This change has occurred Brij M Upreti Good research journals mention time of processing in journal home page, but that time is average time, which also include desk rejection as first decision in that average. If the two reviews are insubstantial, highly conflicting or raise any cause for concern, a further review should be sought. In which case, to avoid or minimize the chances of a desk rejection, you may send the other journal(s) a presubmission inquiry. Last week I sent a gentle reminder to the editor and got no response. May 27, 2020 · I received a mail about five hours after submission stating: It is a pleasure to inform you that your manuscript titled XYZ has passed initial screening and is now awaiting reviewer selection. A desk reject response in 2022 was sent on average within 13 days. Now in February, 2022, I resumitted the manuscript. I have had an article "awaiting reviewer selection" since September. I don’t want to re-submit, but I thought it’s not fair to reject based on one referee. ’ It is a little odd that the latter statuses are taking longer. However, I just noticed that the status of my revised manuscript Sep 8, 2022 · We submitted a paper to a journal roughly 3 months back, the paper remained under review for almost 2 months, after which upon enquiry to the AE, we received a reply that one review has been completed while the other is pending due to certain reasons. However, if the status before this was “awaiting reviewer selection”, it implies that the manuscript has successfully cleared the editorial screening stage and now the editorial board is in process of finding suitable peer reviewers for your paper. In contrast, if in this journal the peer-review typically takes several months, then it might be long desk-rejection. To minimize desk rejection for future papers, you may also consider our new AI-powered platform, PubSURE. The portal status changes to Awaiting decision for a few hours before the decision is shown. Maintaining composure and confidence Review in Social Sciences and Humanities? It it is desk reject, I think it must have been a mistake. Does it mean the work will be rejected? Upon receipt of Reviewer Scores, the AE would normally make a judgment, based on the comments from the reviewers, to either accept or reject, outrightly or conditionally. I received provisional acceptance with minor revisions. Apr 23, 2020 · So, we have made some edits/assumptions. Trying to divine why is a bad idea. 去年11月,我在老师的建议下投了一篇TMECH的文章,中间经过漫长的审稿、拒稿/大修,改稿、润色,最后到今天把大修的论文 探讨审稿中涉及人员的重要性和作用,包括主编、协助主编和副编辑。 After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. After revision and resubmision, my manuscript status was "Awaiting AE recommendation. academicjournalpublishing. ' Does this signify that my manuscript has got desk-rejected? I wouldn’t say the reviewer was very negative, and I think I could address the concerns. Awaiting Reviewer Selection. " Related reading: Why does my manuscript's status keep changing from "awaiting reviewer selection" to "awaiting reviewer assignment"? Nov 13, 2017 · I recently received a 'reject but resubmission allowed' decision on my paper submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (binary decision; no revision decision exists) I wonder how a resubmi . Peer review scores have been sent to the editor and the status is awaiting editor decision for almost 4 weeks now. uk has a great post or two about why review can take so long 知乎专栏提供一个平台,让用户可以自由地进行写作和表达自己的观点。 Also known as: with reviewers, with referees, under review, awaiting referee assignment, awaiting referee reports, awaiting reviewer scores, awaiting reviewer invitation , reviewers assigned, manuscript assigned to peer-reviewer/s (NPG) The initial selection of referees is usually comprised in the previous step. Reject: The paper has been through the peer review process and the Action Editor has decided that it is not suitable for publication. ' It has been a month now, but the status has not changed. May I know is there any chances for at least to get a major revision. Your manuscript has cleared desk screening and is being sent for peer review – that’s one step/obstacle crossed. 41 votes, 74 comments. After a few days, the status changed to "under peer review". Reject without review: The Action Editor has rejected the paper without sending it for peer review. Now the status is awaiting DE decision. Sep 10, 2020 · I submitted a paper, and it took 10 days to be assigned editors and reviewers. In case it’s a revise-and-resubmit decision, you may prepare yourself by going through these resources: Feb 14, 2023 · Is it possible to get a desk reject after the "awaiting reviewer selection" stage? Clearly it is, as your example illustrates. Building an effective reviewer database. Over the years Taylor & Francis journal editors have shared the top reasons for desk rejection, which were all quite similar regardless of discipline. I know others who have had similarly difficult experiences before peer review at eLife. Once the requisite number of reviewers (generally 2 to 3) accept the invitation, the status changes to "Awaiting reviewer scores" which is the equivalent of "Under review. 5. To maintain an effective Sage Track database of active reviewers we recommend that you: As I understand, this may indicate that the peer-review process is complete and the editor(s) could be deciding whether to accept/reject my manuscript. For an article that is going through the double blind review, we estimate a period of three months for the reports to be sent to the author(s). Criteria for Rejection without Review (Desk Reject) To lessen the burden on reviewers and to avoid having authors revise papers unlikely to be published , we recommend you decline papers with the following issues: • Findings do not contribute to the current practice or literature • Findings that are purely descriptive in content May 6, 2021 · Either the desk editor (i. Withdrawal of submitted manuscripts is not very common, and is not considered a best practice, so we would recommend that you try and contact the journal more directly if possible – through a direct contact number or by reaching out to different editors that work on the editorial board. This is the first stage of the peer-review process and your manuscript will be here until the assigned Editor has selected some suitable experts to invite to review. So if it was an admit, then it'll show a Defer Acceptance section. Is anyone else waiting for their… Those who have not yet received a decision from Northeastern University (MS CS), has your status changed from "Awaiting Review" to "Awaiting Decision"? Mine changed just a few hours ago, and I can also see the "Defer my Acceptance" option under Manage my Application > Request. During this stage we are inviting the editors of your selected journals to inquire if they are willing to accept your paper. Now for the last 2 weeks, it's showing awaiting EIC. The status is remained “Awaiting Reviewer Selection” since then. It is almost 5 months since resubmission. To overcome the emotional impact, you can improve your paper by understanding the reasons for rejection, seeking feedback, utilizing professional editing services, and deciding whether to resubmit to the same journal or a different one. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies. Just want to vent. If ‘Awaiting EIC Decision’ is taking too long, is that a good sign or a bad sign? Any thoughts? ScholarOne Manuscriptsの管理者ダッシュボードの使い方を解説するサポートページです。 Aug 31, 2019 · I submited my paper to The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Nov 2, 2018 · Are you sure the status is “Awaiting reader selection” and not “Awaiting reviewer selection”? If it’s the latter, you can rest assured that your paper has cleared the initial editorial screening. I similarly had a completely fact-free desk rejection, which we appealed, and where other editors agreed with our criticism but said, "oh we don't think this has the impact for eLife anyway". Mar 13, 2022 · If the editorial management system (EMS) is distinguishing between the two, odds are "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" means the reviewers have not been invited yet, and "Awaiting Reviewer Confirmation" means the reviewers have not agreed to review the manuscript yet. In the ‘Edit Status’ window, check the box, ‘Review Visible to Authors,’ and save the changes. Awaiting recommendations: waiting for an editor to make a recommendation Recommendation can be "get another review" so it goes back to the review cycle. In the month of December, I got a "reject and resubmit" decision. I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again I'm sorry you had a rough outright rejection from eLife. This decision is typically made if the manuscript is deemed unsuitable for the journal, either due to its content or failure to meet specific submission criteria. e. Click on “View Submission” to view the paper. Nov 5, 2019 · The status "Reviewers contacted" means that the editor has sent out review invitations to the requisite number of reviewers (usually 2 or 3). Has anyone had this experience This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've been there and have advice to give. " Jan 10, 2022 · Dear author, we’re sorry that you are in this unfortunate and frustrating position. Related reading: What does a status change from "Awaiting reviewer score" back to "Awaiting reviewer assignment" mean? Mar 6, 2019 · The status “Awaiting reviewer selection” seems to indicate that the manuscript cleared the initial editorial screening. therefore Jul 18, 2019 · I have made a major revision after receiving one very positive feedback and one very negative feedback for my manuscript. After one day of submission, status was ‘Awaiting Decision’; but now after 10 days, status change into ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’. Recommendation can also be "get reviewer to clarify" so it goes back to the review cycle. To style and awaiting reviewers contains title and multilingual person. The status showed as 'Awaiting ED decision. Other journals will likely desk reject it because it’s out of their scope. By November it showed awaiting EIC decision. Jun 7, 2021 · Awaiting Reviewer Selection, which is the next stage, means that the editor has received responses from multiple peer reviewers and is presently in the process of making a selection among them. To edit the paper status, click on the edit icon. This means the initial check on the manuscript is complete, which means that the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) and/or the Associate Editor (AE) believe/s the manuscript fulfills basic journal criteria such as novelty of the research, quality of the writing, match with the journal’s scope Desk (or Bench) Reject Policy. ly ny gb eg ne rm tj ff uo fa