Glassmaker worm fic. There wasn't anything even hinting at that.

24 votes, 17 comments. If you haven't read it yet, definitely go check it out! Story details, light spoilers inside: Dire Worm isn't crack though but it is quite good!. Reply Lightlinks • (Verified Robutt) • Here's the villain/revenge fic I want to see: one that takes the standard Worm trope of "getting what you want (powers) doesn't actually solve your problems" and plays it totally straight through to the end. She probably could if she really wanted to, but I think he wouldn't taste any better than whatever metal he's made of tastes to regular people. Stay awesome! Edit: Hey all! I've finally reached the chapter in Copacetic. 25 votes, 12 comments. Taylor can melt things and eat them to make other things. now we all know worm is depressing as shite sooo recommend all your sunshine and rainbow fics here!!! can be crack or not sooo… Glassmaker by JinglyJangles. I just can't say it any other way. I mean, my god the level of chill in that fic. Not even sure if I want to read anything even more explicit. I keep track of every chapter I read, how many words it had and when since the start of this year and I read a little over 850k words a month on average, whic Self shill, but: Missy Troubles and Taylor Troubles feature both a young and a childish Taylor with the ability to control and selectively improve birds. Warning: Spoilers for Worm from here on out Taylor Hebert triggered with the ability to spontaneously dissolve her own body in explosive rematerialization. And before anyone just says it's like any other rogue!Taylor fic, first of all she doesn't have a factory to make stuff, and she isn't only 'technically' a rogue while still fighting people. There's a fic where she's a Flame Atronach from Elder Scrolls. Happy Glassmaker is fantastic--especially because for such a short story, it still hits some very powerful emotional beats. Altpower Taylor, low on action and brimming with character interaction and feels. Arguably more original content than a Worm fic, though Worm content might become more relevant later. Loaf (Non-Crossover, Complete): Comedy. I still doubt Taylor would eat Weld. Basically, I want more Glassmaker or the next best thing. I think Worm really benefitted from Wildbow's style of first-person, third-person Another one alongside Burn-up and Glassmaker (where Glassmaker totally is a happy one, and Burn-Up is my second favourite worm fanfic) is Distance by the same author. Fic Search - General is for when you're looking for any and all fanfictions that fit certain specifications, in this case, Lisa x Taylor fics that are also well-written. I have felt what you have felt. A fusion of sorts with the Gundam setting, this one has significant AU elements from the start, and gives Taylor the ability to build mechs. r/WormFanfic: Wormfic. The part of Worm I enjoyed most is the mystery of it all. . If you want a fic where the MC unintentionally reduces gang violence through the best pizza north of NY then Taylor Hebert: Pizzeria Tycoon. If I hadn't known that I could get out any time I wanted, this probably would have been just as horrifying as the Trio had planned. It A Dovahkiin without dragon souls to spend (Worm/Skyrim) by reebiewitz Taylor gets the power of a Skyrim main character complete with skill trees to go with it. Posting/advertising your own story is allowed. Her dad is dead, I think. Locker Altpower Taylor. Don't need to know anything about the crossover to enjoy. No part of it annoys me. I love it. For older/classic fanfic recommendations: Cenotaph is one of the first Worm fanfics. That said, Daystar is not going to be an RPG-mechanics style story. Though sad that we won't get to see more exploration of the world through this Taylor's eyes, I appreciate the marvelous tragedy of a short story, self contained, perfect, ideal. Meta-discussion about Wildbow fanfic in general. Also warning about C'est La Vie that REALLY should be present at the beginning of the fic itself because it will definitely turn some people away who'd otherwise like Planeswalker Taylor: it's also a Jurassic Park cross. There wasn't anything even hinting at that. Short. Taylor is a dork and actually acts like a 15 year old. You could read it as pretty much a straight up Alt Power Worm fic and wouldn't have any issues. I’m trying to find a fic where Taylor had the same power as the one in glassmaker but it came with extreme hunger. Curio's (Worm) - Taylor works for the devil and sells cursed items. What a great fic. Tilt. Jun 20, 2016 · Still, this is one impressive fic. The more I read of this fic, the more I like it. And she cuts off her face occasionally. I expected smut, but i found gold. There is so much variety within worm fanfic that with most fics that may be good at introducing someone to a fraction of the 'Worm fanfic universe', it would still only be a fraction. Very upbeat. There's an nsfw fix on qq by chastity where the mc dates sophia and "fixes" her through copious ammounts of sex, its a reversed gender roles fix. Taylor has the power of seeing the future, sets up a for-pay foretelling service online. Glassmaker has a decent Taylor/Lisa, though to be honest I think I prefer Taylor/Lisa from Daystar - but that’s only just starting, really. The results of her trip into the locker yield a different sort of administration for Taylor Hebert. Oof, the question about the best fic is an incredibly hard one since I don't keep track of my thoughts on them. Taylor with Breaker/Striker powers, which allows her to mold ingested materials, with a preference for glass. Glassmaker (Non-crossover, Complete): Happyfic. (nb: link is to the rewrite, link to original & first 24 chapters is in threadmarks) Nemesis is great for this. Aug 1, 2019 · Daystar is a crossover between Worm and Exalted, leaning heavily towards the former. If you all have any other adorable Worm Fics, feel free to add on. This sounds like it will lack those elements. Nov 6, 2014 · Transfer Student (Worm fanfic) a middle school student saves Taylor from the locker, prompting a lot of questions as to what a middle school student was doing in a high school. That, I de-rec. Then there's the various dragon!Taylor fics - fire-dragon, other-element dragon, etc. When her whole family died in a car crash, she thought it was her chance. Anyway, for Worm fanfic I’ve got Playing with Lego's, but the bright future is reliant on the main character’s altpower, at least until the very end. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. By amazing Worm story, I mean amazing [Worm story]TM. Taylor eats things she shouldn’t, makes money, and dorks her way through life. Humorous (but not crack) fic. Synesthesia - Crossover with The world Ends With You. Emma buys a Cauldron vial and then pays for Taylor to be given one to be her nemesis. Mar 13, 2018 · The smell was the worst. The main difference with the power to a usual Worm power is it can improve over time and is *incredibly* broad, with the ability to improve pretty much anything Taylor does. What is a scene that has you coming back to a fic? That lingers in your mind? Right now, for me, it's the first time Taylor used a Gundam in Trailblazer. All other top-level replies must suggest a fic (or ask for clarification). It resisted my field, both the passive and when I tried to actively move it. Written by JinglyJangles, who also did Burn Up! Intergalactic No Fault Collision has a good Taylor/Vicky - Worm/Star Wars cross/fusion, with Taylor as a Force Wielder who communes with Force Ghost-like memories of a galaxy far far away. It's it's an experience, more flow than story. Requests for specific types of fics/specific aspects of stories. Dec 23, 2013 · Terrify. There's just an odd sort of whimsy to it, and your take on Taylor with this power set that could've been obscenely overpowered in combat, if what I've seen of the stuff she makes is correct she's adorkable. The Grim Noir: 1920's era AU. At one point she bit Lacey. Worm, Ward, Pact, and Twig based fanfiction. Hope Comes to Brockton Bay (not my best work, but my first Worm fic, and I've got a soft spot for it). There are some fics, like Burn Up or Glassmaker, where Taylor has an altered mindset and is happy as a result of that. Very YA novel, in the good sense. Taylor really likes to get bullied. Sep 21, 2016 · I'd put much higher odds on a non-Manton-limited ferrokinetic being able to go go puppet master on Weld. This is my completed Worms fic recommendations still a wip as I Glassmaker is by the same authour as Burn Up and also has her powers mess with her mind, though in different ways. Features some weapons-grade adorkable TaylorxLisa, and it's not even half the total feels this fic delivers. It starts out dark, but it’s a fic where most things that made the beginning bleak get worked out progressively through the story. This first chapter was enjoyable, but I'm hoping for more than just a Worm-themed romance story myself. With power of Stands, even the stars will bend to your will. A Worm shortfic by JinglyJangles, posted on the SpaceBattles. Operation Motormouth is a go. NOT A GAMER FIC. Wolf Spider - Taylor/Rachel. It is a pretty big AU though concerning Taylor and everyone’s favorite (or hated) snek. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies More replies If you want a fic where the MC just wants to watch the sunset while trying new foods then Glassmaker. But it wasn't enough. Here a "no shits given" Taylor is featured, with the ability to teleport anywhere on earth. The Worm fandom manages to produce such an interesting range of great fics. "Worm set in the age of flappers, speakeasies and jazz. Yet. Been having a good time re-reading it. There's nothing I would change. Right-Minded (S9!Taylor) - Taylor takes over the S9 and the world is better? for it. She wanted powers. Power theft fic. Taylor/Brian Tabloid, an illustrated fanfic. Yeah, you used the right flair. comments. taylor hebert is you this is mostly the "does not care" variety. As such, I will try to have a good degree of variety within those that I mention below. I do stand by my statement that this story is not suffering central for Taylor though. I didn't know what this was. 36k words, complete. Glassmaker by JinglyJangles. Aftermath (Starts with Taylor dying) Alternate Beginnings (homage to Breakfast Club) Celestial Worm (crossover with an indy novel series) Confrontation (Taylor partners with Sophia in the Wards) Sword and Song (Transistor, Complete): Psych. Always love those good PHO chapters. Nov 16, 2018 · Then, suddenly, a D-10T2S (for those of you who don't wish to interrupt your fic-reading experience to google Soviet armament terminology, that's a tank gun) punches through the locker door. I won't feel sorry about it. She wanted to be a superhero, lording over not just her school but her city. I’ve read Constellations, I’d agree that it’s a happy fic. Seed- Blasto!Taylor fic. 3 This. Well at least is a pretty good shipfic. Sep 21, 2016 · One of the things that made that fic amusing was the Gordian knot of relationships and crushes. Lots of giggles to be had. In that, like Impurity, it felt like it lived in Worm’s world, did Taylor’s voice right, and got the aspects of power genning for worm right, building up Bet WoG hints into things we never get to see in the worm canon. That said, he is a good technical writer in a terse naturalistic way. It's complete, which makes it even more unique. You've Mutant Deviations is a romance-ish fic that practically goes out of its way to make sure every loose end is tied off for its happy ending. You'll have gotten to experience a high-quality fic even if it's not finished. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Worm has a surprisingly large fanfiction community over at r/WormFanfic. This was just so damn funny. It involves the line "You only have two arms, I have three! That makes me the better Armsmaster ya jerk!" (This was said while holding a severed arm I would say that this is honestly a rather difficult question to answer. I like the "stuck in a time loop" premise, but I don't recall having Nothing real specific here, just wondering what scene really captured your imagination put of the countless words of Worm fanfiction. Glassmaker (and everything by JinglyJangles) - Just go read it. Special Edition (Worm Xover) PHO only fic. Taylor understands what is going on so does her best to comply with the letter of the contract she has signed while also being the campiest and friendliest villain ever so that when Emma tries to fight her it only damages her PR instead of making her look better. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Sysop- recent self insert fic that gets into some slight AU world-building but focuses on Shard interactions, scientific explanations for powers and the differences between the MCs Shard method vs Scion/Edens method. Glassmaker [Altpower/AU] Alt-Power. And I have to admit I'm a sucker for Taylor/Lisa, because they had the best relationship in canon, and they work together well in pretty much any fic I've read. The chapter in question was a PHO chapter, that's why I remembered it so well. The final scene in TTC would be my pick for the best piece of writing in Worm fics. Everything felt off, like it was weighted down by wet blankets. Feb 4, 2014 · Acceleration 1. Nov 6, 2014 · Glassmaker - No crossover. In glassmaker taylor makes up with Emma and fixes her school life by being basically high on glass the whole time. O my Lord, I have seen what you have seen. I really love fics which become introspective and sort of sad, preferably ending with Taylor finding peace. As in … Cute fic. imo, Glassmaker and Burn Up are paragons of Worm fanfic. Burn Up is a really great example of a story that does what it sets out to do and doesn't overstay its welcome (or burn out). I even re-read to make sure I wasn't crazy lol Feb 17, 2018 · This is one of the best things that's ever happened in a Worm Fanfic, ever. Other things might be good, but just message a mod before submitting. Overwhelming power isn't a solution to all of your problems. Theorizing about the nature of the apocalypse, the Endbringers, and Scion's whole deal. Been reading some good worm fics and would like some recommendations for some more happy, Op, grimmderp, or light hearted… Feb 22, 2019 · This is, of course, fanfic set in the Parahumans universe. Brockton: In Venatus is a Gamer fic with an Indian protagonist, not sure if that counts as Asian. Glassmaker by JinnglyJangles is a great Taylor/Lisa fic, and there's also an Emma redemption arc as well Balestra by HopefulPenguin and xbritomartx is a (complete!) Alexandria/Contessa fic in an unpowered AU where Contessa is an ecoterrorist and Alexandria has different means of saving the world. The mechanical abstractions that make Exalted a playable tatterpig aren't necessary when I'm just telling a story, so I'm trying to smooth them out. Freakout has a touching romance subplot. com forums in 2016. Sep 21, 2016 · But, attitudes change with growth and experience. In addition to that, if you're looking for something a touch more dark, there's Dead Water which includes Amy finding a pre-pubescent phytokinetic Taylor post-Leviathan. A distraught Taylor Hebert loses the last family she has and tries to make a new one while following her own quest for revenge against a system that was rigged against her from the very start. Apr 28, 2019 · Worm AU It was June 2011, and Emma Barnes was the queen bee of her high school, mercilessly tormenting her lessers. The Paragamer is a Gamer fic which may qualify as not going OP. I'm looking for wholesome fics like glassmaker. Lf fics like burn up and glassmaker. And, especially, an end doesn't have to be conclusive and it doesn't have to be "Defeat Scion, save the worlds" just because that's how Worm ended. When she told Charlotte to look up. For every dodgy Timeskip moment in Worm there are so many other excellent scenes of tremendous variety - the overall achievements of Worm put any fic to shame. I've already read No Escape From Reality (Taylor with Bohemian Rhapsody, Jonathan and Dio on Earth Bet, and Stone Mask Vampire Greg) and the Worm/JoJo snippets by the same author. Taylor has a strange hobby - Taylor/Sophia. So a little of column A, a little of column B. Trailblazer: Perhaps the best finished Taylor Alt-Power fic. The barrel emerges inch by inch--slowly, painfully, because Taylor is not yet used to turning into a T55A Main Battle Tank. Sep 21, 2016 · Glassmaker [Worm](complete) Thread starter JinglyJangles I can totally get Taylor's perspective in this fic and that is the entire point for reading this stuff On Fluttering Wings is a Worm/MGLN crossover fic where Taylor goes to the MGLN-verse. It's also more slice-of-life/WAFF than Burn Up - think the more composed Taylor near the end of Burn Up, but without the trail of carnage to get there. Yea, even with everything SB-approved, it manages to be the most disturbing Worm fanfic I've read so far. Takes place before canon events in Worm, and has unique, mixed-media world-building. Taylor as a tinker that can make stuff from the game. Taylor is not present. A slight change with Taylor's first encounter with Armsmaster leads to a large change how Taylor's story goes. Newspaper clippings, Youtube videos, TV news stations, in-universe concept artwork, posters. It seems like some fics fall into a trap of feeling the need to explore all the stations of canon, or acknowledge them, but since Worm is so large and its ultimate goal so far-reaching, this ends up taking over their fic, and whatever was the core of it kinda fades away. Alt Power. Otherwise mentioned in the thread is Glassmaker, which I agree fits, but I also have seen Constellations. Worm - Waterworks 100% the best ship related fic I have read, I only wish SeerKing didn't write like 30 stories at once so I didn't have to wait so long for updates :( Press J to jump to the feed. An AU that diverges a little before canon, mostly in terms of Taylor's circumstances. Crouching Tiger and Crouching Tiger Goes To Prison are among the better non-fire-dragon!Taylor fics (air & lightning control), Fury and Here Be Dragons are some of the many fire-dragon Sep 21, 2016 · Glassmaker [Worm](complete) Thread starter JinglyJangles; Start date Sep 21, 2016; Tags To the point where I kinda wonder why Lisa was in the fic. Make it clear that you are the author if you are doing this. Makes me just want to loosen up if I write something - though just a lil bit. Also an AU with the Endbringer's attacking different areas. How about you Sep 21, 2014 · Name: Glassmaker aka Taylor Hebert Series: Worm (Glassmaker) Classification: Striker/Breaker 7, Brute 4, Tinker 1 Disposition: Rogue Location: Brockton Bay Docks General information: Glassmaker is a female cape aged 15-17. And very Worm-like. a lot of worm fics are all doom and gloom, and that has its place but fun always beat it for me, I just read the mask/ worm crossover fic and am searching for other very fun fics, not necessarily funny but definitely fun r/WormFanfic: A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! . That said she's the only one iirc, might have changed if the fic hadn't died If you want to talk about the request, reply to this comment. The rain was torrential, the sky almost black despite the fact that the sun should have been rising, by the time the heroes and the villains had finished arriving at the hall the Protectorate was using as a gathering area. I've already read Taylor's Bizarre Adventure (Taylor with Star Platinum and Stone Mask Vampire Lisa) Glassmaker By JinglyJangles. Taylor Triggers after being rejected by Emma right after Summer Camp, so she hasn't yet been peeled raw by years of bullying. It's stuff like Lisa telling the Undersiders she knows someone who is a bit of a cape geek and a researcher, and in the next few days Taylor produces an A+ college-grade research paper, because the other Undersiders assumed that she was a thinker like Tattletale, thereby increasing her intelligence and research skills enormously. Honestly, the climax of that plotline is probably the best payoff any of the subplots have. Status: Dead. I've never had a problem with a fic that writes a good Tattletale relationship. Glassmaker - by the same author as the previous story, this one is more feel-good. New Server is an actual Gamer crossover (not a person from Worm with a Gamer power) and would at least qualify as having Asian MCs. Short is fine but long is better. Rule 7 violations will be removed and may get you temp-banned. She adapts quickly. Wharf Rat by JackValhalla. Manager by Seraviel has Taylor establish three identities; one of them is a Rogue Tinker. The journey towards Heaven cannot be obtained as long as those worms stand before the path to True Happiness. Burn Up by the same author is also quite funny, but beware of some of the most top tier whiplash ive ever seen in a fic. She forms a relationship with Lisa (Coil isn't around), and works to recover her friendship with Emma and help her out of her destructive worldview. I'm not actually here to gush about how good it is. Fights and violence are also OK but I prefer to avoid it. Yes, her powers are 'foxgirl ninja', but it doesn't detract from the story - this is more like some episodes of Protectorate Pals rather than Worm proper. She's not a parahuman, but she's got nothing to lose and manages to finagle her way into the Wards. Do not post story ideas. Crouching Tiger by Somewhat Disinterested is a Rogue. Its totally the fic I was looking for. The first step to take, is to bring Humanities potential to its limits. The story doesn't make it feel like any other rogue fics I've read either, Im looking for other story's where it feels almost like Taylor has a 'regular Can't remember the name of the top of my head but there is a crossover fic between Worm and Darker than Black, Taylor ends up with Hei's power and a personality closer to a Contractor's than her own or Hei's. r/WormFanfic: A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Completely agree on both A Word and The Typewriter Chronicles as outstanding fics. Alt-power Taylor teaches Amy how to just chill. An alternate near-history interpretation of Worm by Wildbow, in which the Administrator shard did not transfer from Danny Hebert to Taylor. Glassmaker is a really good, I'd totally read a full fic on that. Somehow the story of Transistor happens in Worm. Burn Up - Taylor alt-power with significant mood whiplash. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Worm is written by Wildbow, and I'm grateful he's alright with folks using his setting. She befriends an involuntary Amy and teleport away on a vacation, reforming her. Wonderful - Crossover with Wonderful 101. My favourite Worm fic, insofar as it is one. EDIT: Had a moment to stop laughing, I think I can better say. This story usually sits by Glassmaker in my head for feel good fics because Taylor doesn't really dwell on depressing feeling long enough to bring me down and even the S9 feel watered down. There was some good character development here for both Taylor and Lisa, Rachel actually had a role in a Worm fic, and the writing style was pretty distinctive. Go Gently is one of my favorite fics but 80% of it takes place in a small apartment building and there are only 7-9 significant characters; just Gestation has a bigger scope than that. Post-GM. Status: Ongoing. Timelooping Tinker. Reply reply More replies. And hopefully it'll turn into a running gag as to why Glory Girl hates Carver so much. Press J to jump to the feed. Part 1 - The revenge. It’s mostly happy. Taylor doesn't trigger in the locker, but comes out having lost any good part of herself. It was cathartic too, seeing Taylor patch herself up after burning out. Carae Scientia is one of my all-time favorite Worm one-shots. Because of course the only fic i have found so far were my favorite sidecharacter is important is a fucking shipfic. Glassmaker, by JinglyJangles; medium fic Taylor has a weird power and an altered mindset that puts her in a much happier place. Taylor Varga is also hilarious if you like that sort of humour. Alt power. I mean Taylor Sep 21, 2016 · This fic is marvelous. I'll also just take one where Taylor is very strong and goes on a rampage as that was also a satisfying part of burn up. People who recommend them tend to hype them up, like, a lot, and you frequently see them in 'your favourite fic' threads as the best thing since Glassmaker. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Distance by JinglyJangles. Moreso, just about mysteries and worm fanfic in general. That's not just an elemental power, but being an elemental. And this fic in particular, JinglyJangles, wow. Fic Search - Specific is if you're looking for one specific fic that fits certain, more specific specifications. Starry Eyes (Worm/Lovecraft) - Taylor has some friends from beyond the stars. Contessa tries and fails to bake bread without the Path. Her only concession to a secret identity is a plain bandanna worn across the lower face, and one more than one occasion she It's the only fic I've read where not only do the protagonists end up worse off than they began on an emotional level(the story focuses on post-GM Amy and Victoria, whose dysfunctional relationship gets more dysfunctional during this fic), but also, this is a fic where the overpowered one curbstomping everyone is the villain, not the hero. dd fz xf bk jx ik yp hk zy nd