Trotskyism vs leninism reddit

Trotskyism vs leninism reddit. There are a lot of sects who disagree with each other but agree with Lenin (or at least believe they do). is that leninism is the political philosophy named after Vladimir Lenin that is characterized by the theory of imperialism and the theory of the revolutionary party while Trotskyism is the political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky that is characterized by the theory of permanent Trotsky was the leader of the Petrograd Soviet in 1905 and 1917, as well as a member of the Bolshevik Central Committee and Politburo. Leninism means Marx and Engels plus Lenin. The only main difference between Stalinism and Trotskyism is the Trotsky promoted perminant and global revolution, as opposed to socialism in one country. There's a lot on the Anarchist library. " Oct 17, 2015 · Leon Trotsky What Is Leninism? A Timely Excerpt from Trotsky’s New Course From The New International, Vol. In practice this means the Marxian critique of Capitalism, Historical Materialism, and the concept of class struggle, plus the desire for a socialist society based on state ownership and workers' control, ultimately to a communist society in which the state will be To add to this. One of the myths perpetrated by the Trotskyites, with more than a little help from the imperialist bourgeoisie, is that Leninism and Trotskyism Leninism believed that instead of waiting for the inevitable a vanguard of the revolution was needed to push for revolution. Trotsky believed that for Marxist revolution to succeed, it had to ignite similar movements globally. So, the differences: Stalin supported NEP, while Trotsky advocated for immediate start of the collectivization as he thought kukaks will become significant сapitalists, who will try to destroy soviet system from the inner side (Trotsky was right). Trots are essentially anti-communist, treating them as anything else is a Right from the start, Lenin, Trotsky and other Bolshevik spokesmen pointed out that the uprising had been embraced with alacrity and even publicly forecast by the counterrevolution in exile; that former tsarist officers in the Kronstadt garrison like General A. I'm not aware of any significant contradictions between them. I asked r/socialism and all they gave me was a copy paste from wikipedia. 4. And a lot of Stalinist ideology (I. This community is organised in a Q&As format with which to provide answers and tools for an early contact with socialist thought. Hence, the theory of the division of Leninism into two parts is a theory intended to destroy Leninism, to substitute Trotskyism for Leninism. Bolshevism) and Menshevism was the difference between whether or not the proletariat should seek to seize state power in the here and now or whether instead this task should be relegated to the distant future, after the bourgeoisie have completed a long period of capitalist development that During Trotsky's lifetime, the tendency was called "Bolshevik-Leninism" to contrast itself from Marxism-Leninism (it was known as Trotskyism in the USSR and aligned states following Trotsky's exile from the USSR after he broke party rules on democratic centralism and refused to self-criticize and capitulate, and elsewhere following his I just think that Leninism is a return to a more ideological "pure" form of Soviet communism modeled after how Lenin governed during the Russian Civil War while Bolshevism is the adherence to post-Lenin forms of Marxist-Leninism. Once the revolution happened trotsky believed that the first priority was to export the revolution and that the USSR should function as the hub for worldwide revolution whatever the cost. Trotskyism is also defined by the rejection of the doctrine of "socialism in one country" or "national roads to socialism". " We are not the kind of people who, when the word "anarchism" is mentioned, turn away Thus Trotskyism is against the "stagist" (despite Trotskyism having its own stages; artificial socialism in the periphery which is supplemented by real socialism in the core) approach of Marxism-Leninism and by extension MLM, towards revolutions in colonial and semi-colonial countries because it is against the very idea of an alliance with Marxism, Leninism, and Trotskyism are all separate ideologies, but are connected by history. Leon Trotsky, Bolshevik revolutionary, believed the Soviet Union was abandoning internationalism and was also losing touch with its workers, so he created a new theory that is based on Marxism, is similar to Marxist-Leninism, but rejects some of the advancements and contributes new analysis of I mean, Trotskyists would consider themselves Leninists, which is why they were using the term Bolshevik-Leninist as opposed to Marxism-Leninism, which was understood to be an anti-Trot, pro-Stalin Leninism. As nouns the difference between leninism and trotskyism. MLs have a relatively small collection but boast large numbers because they still believe China is an ML state despite that having been completely removed by Deng. They compare Trotskyist beliefs to Leninist beliefs, all from a book called "Trotskyism: Counter-Revolution in Disguise": Trotskyism Defined Socialism in One Country vs "Permanent Revolution" The Social Basis of Trotskyism Classical Marxism combined with Leninism and supplemented by Leon Trotsky. 3, March 1944, pp. However, when it comes to Marxism-Leninism, the constructive criticism in Marxist circles is virtually nonexistent, as self-proclaimed Marxists take Lenin and Marx’s unaltered word for granted, and tend to deflect any probable criticism of their ideals. Leninism is largely about the development of the vanguard party which is important in an undeveloped country with a small working class population, large peasant class and very low class consciousness. The Marxist professors in France and elsewhere became aware of the tragedy of undermining the volitive force of the avant guard. Lenin (obviously), and was for the most part the philosophy of the Bolshevik Party during the Russian Revolution in 1917. Stalin's Marxist-Leninism advocates a popular front, socialism in one country, and some interesting theories on imperialism. Trotskyism is Marxism-Leninism. Trotskyism- Advocated for a continuous revolution globally in every country to ensure communism survives. Kozlovsky figured prominently in the mutiny; that the Kronstadt sailors of 1921 . Largely. Trotskyism is the continuation of Leninism after the Third Internarional crossed the class line, just like Leninism continued Marxism after the Second International did the same. After Lenin's death, Stalin coined the term Marxism-Leninism to describe the ideology of the Soviet Union, implying a continuity between the Not much of a difference. Maoism is Stalinism adapted to conditions specific to China in the mid twentieth century. Marxism-leninism became the ideology of the USSR after Lenin died, and many groups (mainly trots and leftcoms) want to voice support for Lenin without also supporting Lenin. This lead to him being exiled from the USSR. It was the predominant ideology of most communist governments throughout the 20th century. The largest group in South and Central America are variants of Bolshevik Leninism or Trotskyism. 301. Award. A BRIEF GUIDE TO THE IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MARXISM-LENINISM AND TROTSKYISM. Trotzki himself probably felt that he was an advocate of the "original" Leninism before it had been twisted by Stalin and therefore became Stalinism. So, in short, communist sub-ideologies are extremely varied. There's a reason Stalin purged the old Bolsheviks, they were Leninists, Marxists, and Trotskyists. Luxemburgism = Focus on grassroots organization, opposed to reform and social democracy, mass strike and workplace occupation. It has theory for political work called "Mass Line. This clarifies the crucial elements of the Lenin-Stalin Trotskyism: Origin: Associated with Leon Trotsky, a prominent figure in the Russian October Revolution and a critic of Stalin's leadership. Key Features: Stresses the importance of international revolution and permanent revolution, advocating for a global socialist movement rather than focusing solely on one country. But the most compelling arguments I think I can make is with history. 2 A particularly thorough account is given in Boffa’s book. Lenin was the more public persona and became the face and voice of the revolution. Stalin, 1879-1953, was able to meet and saw off this challenge, to the I already own this book (got it second hand in a book market a few years ago) and want to get a good understanding of Trotskyism and the leninist critique of it. One of the goals of ML was to empower the avant guard over the capitalists and the Narodinik (anarchists with pre-industrial ideal), and this failure If you want to learn about Marxism-Leninism, then yes, Foundations of Leninism is a good place to start. If you want to know what the Trotskyist conception of a revolution is, read the history of those revolutions and the things Trotsky wrote about/in defence of them (including his History of the Russian Revolution). Trotsky described himself as an orthodox Marxist, a revolutionary Marxist, and a Bolshevik – Leninist as well as a follower of Bolshevism and Leninism are one. Maoism also maintains that the USSR became capitalist in 1956, and was a "Social Imperialist Empire. Marxism-Leninism splits into Revisionist ML (ala the Soviets post-Stalin), Mao Zedong Thought/MZT, and Anti-Revisionist ML (ala Hoxha's Albania). An underestimation on the part of Trotskyism of the revolutionary potential of the peasantry. This delusion, historically derived from Stalin’s policy of “Popular Fronts” and then “peaceful coexistence,” developed among the fledgling class of Russian capitalists in the 1990s. One of the main differences between Stalin and Trotsky is Socialism in one country (Stalin's idea) against permanent revolution (Trotsky's idea). 2K subscribers in the Trotskyism community. EVER since Lenin died in 1924, Trotskyism has challenged Marxism-Leninism for the ideological leadership of the international communist movement. Trotsky died, possibly by Stalin's command. Each one teach one! Leninism- Advancement of Marxist thought by Vladimir Lenin which specifically calls for a vanguard party to lead the proletariat through the revolution. More or less. Maoism (Marxism-Leninism-Maoism) is an extension of Leninism that deals more with creating the conditions in which socialism can thrive, and how certain conditions in countries stand in relation to the ability for them to achieve socialism. Is this book any good for that? By good I mean that it represents Trotskyism fairly, and not as a caricature, and addresses its weaknesses. Socialism_101 is a space for learning about socialism and the socialist perspective(s). Stalinism is a form of Marxist-Leninism that specifically pertain to the rule of Joseph Stalin. Lenin disliked Trotsky. Trotsky never wanted to back off from a vanguard. I’ll grant that not every group that has called itself “Trotskyist” has been productive or revolutionary (sectarians like the Spartacists for example) and the 4th international certainly made mistakes that led to its dissolution. Most Anarchists and many other non-Leninist comrades will say that Marxism-Leninism is the ad hoc term created by Stalin to justify his actions, and is more appropriately called "Stalinism". Feb 15, 2011 · The ideological difference between Leninism (a. This is because Trotskyites believe in the theory of Permament Revolution: the ideology that in order to Well, Trotskyism, Leninism, Stalinism and Maoism are all variants of Marxism, the philosophy espoused by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in works like The Communist Manifesto. They are two names for one and the same thing. So, to sum up, today Marxism means scientific socialist theory, Leninism means Stalin was a great dude, and Trotskyism means Leninism. " We are not the kind of people who, when the word "anarchism" is mentioned, turn away 4. Leninism is the revolutionary application of Marxism. The pamphlet should be available as a pdf online but the book you'd have to buy from Mehring books. Well, my belief in ML/M is informed by theory, I was an anarchist but found Marxist theory more complete and thorough. Trotsky was also a master of logistics, and if he had taken over after Lenin died, it's quite possible that the world would see communism in a very different light. 12. " It also tends to emphasize students and youth, as well as third world revolution. This is not limited to his reign or the Soviet Union, and includes Maoism, Khrushchevism, Castroism, and more. It helps to understand Leninism before understanding Trotskyism, and it's absolutely necessary to understand Leninism before Stalinism. On a tactical level, another major difference between Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism is the latters insistence on the united front tactic first elaborated by the 3rd and 4rd Congresses of the Communist International while Lenin was still alive, according to which revolutionaries should work with social democratic organizations on the basis of Would it be possible to see some links on debates between various socialist ideologies? In specific: Trotskyism vs. Trotskyism does the same thing but has different ideas on such strategies and methods to use. Lenin used to describe Trotsky as silly in his letters. N. Some consider themselves Marxist-Leninists, some use the term "Bolshevik-Leninist," and some separate themselves from any kind of Leninism. Leninism is the philosophy of V. Trotskyism just continues Leninism by expounding the theory of permanent revolution where as Leninism does not as much. A Trotskyist Subreddit, dedicated to the debate and discussion of Trotskyism. I don't think she really wrote enough, personally. Your comment is full of spurious claims and reeks of bias, and has been removed. But I don't think there is any Leninism that rejects Marx. Anarchism Trotskyism vs. Lenin died and Trotsky and Stalin fought over control. Anarchists advocate a self-managed, classless, stateless society without borders, bosses, or rulers where everyone takes collective responsibility for the health and prosperity of themselves and the environment. Trotskyism is a development of Leninism, just like how Leninism is simply a development of orthodox Marxism. k. And as far as I'm concerned, anyone who centers their political identity around shit that happened ninety years ago is a reactionary by definition, regardless of their conclusion. The term was synthesised by Stalin, and it includes things like 'socialism in one country', developed primarily by Stalin and Bukharin in ~1924, something which Lenin himself advocated very firmly against. [1] It was developed by Joseph Stalin and drew on elements of Bolshevism, orthodox Marxism the degeneration of the Soviet Union under Stalin's leadership, and, as I mentioned above, entailed the growth of the power of the bureaucracy, the decline in inner-party democracy, the notion of socialism in one country, the show trials and systematic murder of much of the leadership of the Russian Revolution, and the use of the 3rd International to defend the interests of the Kremlin Trotskyism is in opposition to Marxist-Leninism. They weren't friends since Trotsky joined the party just in 1917. Trotskyism = Transitional state capitalist stage minus gulags or purgings and embracing internationalism. I. X No. A longer and more in-depth work on Trotskyism and Trotsky as a person would be "In Defense of Leon Trotsky" by David North. e. "Stalinism" is what some people describe the way Stalin applied Marxism-Leninism to USSR. Because of these views, Trotskyists are often misunderstood as "national traitors" during the Japanese invasion, and they frequently attack both CPC and KMT, that's why they got George Novak, in his introduction to Trotsky’s pamphlet Stalinism and Bolshevism, makes the claim that Lenin’s Bolshevik party represented the working class “in its striving for equality, democracy and Socialism” while Stalin’s regime merely represented a bureaucracy which seized power after Lenin’s death. Another faction followed the view of Trotsky himself, that the war against Japan is progressive, but still communists should focus on toppling the KMT at the same time. Marxist-Leninism is not that. No, that's the difference between Stalin and Trotsky. Trotskyism is Trotsky's own take on Lenin and Marx. "Socialism in one country") is more or less a direct opposition to Trotskyism, which came first. But then his main aim was not the emancipation of humanity from under the iron heel of capitalist imperialism but to win the power struggle as to who should be the heir to Marxism-Leninism and lead the Soviet Trotskyism is the political ideology and branch of Marxism developed by Russian revolutionary and intellectual [1] [2] Leon Trotsky along with some other members of the Left Opposition and the Fourth International. On an objective level, Trotskyists believe in the theory of Permanent Revolution 1 , which was developed as a reaction to the idea of "socialism in one country" practiced by the USSR to first secure their ELI5: trotskyism. When I was an ML, I read the work, and in it Stalin criticizes the "Russian permanentists", which goes as follows: 16. 78–79. 1 Giuseppe Boffa, Storia dell’ Unione Sovietica, Milan 1976, Vol. Leninism is short for Marxism-Leninism. Basically the problem with totalitarianism as a concept, besides being ideologically loaded, is it distorts our understanding of fascist and ML societies. Trotsky helped lead the Red Army but wasn't as popularly celebrated. Due to its usefulness to the bourgeois ideological struggle against Marxism-Leninism, Trotskyism has a tendency to be tolerated in academia up to a point. Whereas you can find a lot of contradictions between Leninism and Stalinism, warranted or not - for example completely discarding even the pretense of workers' councils in the 1935 Soviet Constitution. Adding more things, more specifications, more relevant to time period, etc. In fact he strongly supported leadership by the Vanguard as a driver of the revolution. Marxist-Leninist describes the general ideology of the Soviet Union during and after Joseph Stalin's reign. 1, p. Stalin, 1879-1953, was able to meet and saw off this challenge, to the extent that Trotskyism became a marginal, exterior tendency in relation to the communist movement. There definitely are significant theoretical differences between Trotskyism and Stalinism. Trotskyism is often a response to Stalin's Marxist-Leninism. 1K subscribers in the Trotskyism community. Hence "Leninism" instead of "Marxism-leninism". I ask because I was reading Trotskyism vs Leninism and to quote Stalin from the first page of chapter two: the party and the preparation for October, “Allah himself would not understand our revolution could have succeeded if it’s chief instrument proved to be useless” The fight between the two have strong essential elements that make them important today. If not, any recommendations? The Russian bourgeoisie’s desire for an “equal partnership” with the West was one of the most utopian delusions. 1 because Stalin wanted socialism to be applied in one country at a time, while Trotsky wanted a world revolution. Marxism-Leninism survived the incorrect evaluation of Chinese political strategy in the 20s while Trotskyism was unable to survive the "correct" evaluation since it could only understand China as just a repetition of the USSR (and everything since to increasingly absurd conclusions). Anarchism or Socialism - Joseph Stalin. The main factor between Trotslyist and ML movements is that they cannot agree on what was a success and what was a failure. The founders of Russian Marxism was Plekhanov and his group, however they became isolated exiles and mainly a literary group. The way of collectivization in 16 votes, 14 comments. Generally, if you get off Reddit, people tend to fall somewhere in the middle and there's no actual discussion about ML vs Trotskyism. E. For example- Socialism in one country (Stalinism for, Trotskyism against), the permanent revolution (Trotskyism) vs. Lenin called himself a Marxist (ironically Marx objected to having an ideology named after himself). For specific contributions Trotsky made to back off from leadership by the Vanguard. Trotsky, unlike Stalin and Lenin, believed that the revolution should not be protected and allowed to fail, so that the next one would learn from the failures of the past. Marxism Leninism is a split with Leninism that happened after Lenin was already dead. The difference between Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism is that the former is responsible for every socialist project on the fucking planet, and the latter is actively oppossed to everything good that has come from it. Trotsky wanted to keep decisions local while Stalin wanted centralized power. Marxism was at first an economic first politic second idea where Lenin reversed the process and added a vanguard party to make sure that the system made it to communism. Maoism is Mao's spin on Marxist-Leninism mainly focused around the peasants instead of the proletariat. Maoism was the application of Marxism-Leninism to China. Trotskyism is Leninism, without the Stalinist perversion of the more mainline Leninist ideologies. Therefore, MLs hate the old Bolsheviks because of their cult of One think important to know about Marxism-Leninism is that it’s not a combination of Marx and Lenin’s theories and thought, but very specifically Stalin’s interpretation of Marx and Lenin’s theories and thought. Stalin believed contrariwise. For Trotskyism a concise read would be Trotsky's "Transitional Program" pamphlet. While the idea is very common, it is actually quite contested, either as such, or in its parts. Leninists and other Marxists, however, will often say that Stalinism isn't an ideology, but rather a term used to describe the actions of Stalin while he Jan 21, 2021 · 0. It opposes Stalinism and Wayne Price does a good job critiquing various schools of Marxism. Trotsky was of the opinion that the revolution in the USSR or other peripheral by Tony Clark INTRODUCTION EVER since Lenin died in 1924, Trotskyism has challenged Marxism-Leninism for the ideological leadership of the international communist movement. This should help: Marxism is comprised of Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism, and Marxist Economics. stagism (Stalinism), the aproach to working together with the "progressive" layers of the bourgeoisie (Stalinism for, Trotskyism against) are just a few big ones. 2) On the question of the Party principle. He holds onto a lot of Marxist analysis himself, specifically Marxist analysis of capitalism, but he's good at taking a solidly anarchist position against Leninism and it's offshoots if you're interested in finding more of his work. Trotskyism usually promotes a united front, permanent revolution, and various opinions on the nature of the global working class. Leninism refers to Lenin's adaptations of Marx's work. INTRODUCTION. Intelligent_Low6603 • 41 min. It should be noted that there are other forms of Leninism besides Marxism-Leninism (Trotskyism, for example), but they're less prominent, and Is there some clearly defined underlying assertions / positions that encompass the logic of Trotskyism and permanent revolution and which break with Stalin and Maoism, or is the whole thing just vaguely defined opportunism? The section on Trotskyism in Stalin's Foundations of Leninism (chapter 3, "Theory") also didn't clarify much for me on this. Trotsky was also critical of Stalins economic policy (collectivization specifically). This is where it captures many young students with an interest in socialism, acting as a dragnet that prevents them from finding their way to more productive avenues of organisation. ago. J. [1] It was developed by Joseph Stalin and drew on elements of Bolshevism, orthodox Marxism In practice, the concept was used in the 20th century to equate Fascism and Marxism-Leninism. Starting in the 1960s, critical theory became detached from praxis. Marxism is socialism as framed by Marx. Marxist… Trotsky preferred the term “Bolshevik Leninism” which more accurately represents his theoretical basis. Needless to say, the Party cannot reconcile itself to this grotesque theory. Trotskyism is basically an extension of Leninism. So, I have a question regarding one of Stalin's most well-known works, "The Foundations of Leninism". Basically it is a communist POV that the soviet union failed entirely because of Stalin, and mainly because of his "Socialism in One Country" theory. MZT splits into MZT-DXT (ala China today), ML-MZT (ala MLs today), and MLM. Marxism is a continuing experiment that builds on the successes and failures. Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL. • 5 yr. Leninism cannot be conceived of without theoretical breadth, without a critical analysis of the material bases of the political process. Luxemburg was anti-leninist and Trotsky was a Leninist. The first known use of "Leninism" was in 1917 - that's the Trotsky and Stalin both created divergent Leninist ideologies. Mao Zedong Thought is how Mao applied Marxism-Leninism to China. 168K subscribers in the communism101 community. There is no difference. Trotskyism is more in line with continuing Leninism, especially in regard to Trotsky's theory of Permanent Revolution, in which Lenin absolutely believed in, at least in the context of backwards Russia. The history of Trotsky in my opinion is the history of the Russian Marxist movement. Lenin and Martov founded the group before the bolshevik party, put into practice the beginnings of their bolshevik party and really Firstly, definitely make the order Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin. That's a nice short intro to that. Marxism–Leninism is a communist ideology that became the largest faction of the communist movement in the world in the years following the October Revolution. The distinguishing features of Trotskyism are 2: it's against Stalinism on everything the latter supports and it supports a permanent world revolution (basically feature no. On this view, Trotskyists rejected the idea that socialism could be constructed in the USSR alone, without help from outside. I personally prefer anarcho-communism The difference between Trotskyism and Leninism is greatly highlighted with these educational posts I made. Stalin's' "Socialism in One Country" versus Trotsky's permanent revolution in contrast to the 20th century/Cold War Era upvotes · comments r/AskHistorians FOR COMMUNIST UNITY. Lenin writings on the Brest-Litovsk peace or in the internal party affairs are pretty If this is the cas I just wanted to point out that I'm under the impression that rather Stalinism than Leninism is the "classical" antagonist to Trotskyism. Trotskyism as about how you can maintaining and expanding the revolutionary moment to collapse capitalism globally. While I encountered this attitude too in my Marxist days, the attitude was not universal Marxism-Leninism is the basis for both Juche and Maoism. Jun 7, 2019 · Harpal Brar delivers a 45-minute presentation on the theory and practice of Leon Trotsky and his modern-day followers, followed by a question and answer session that can be viewed here: Trotskyism Q&A. johnrealname. I think that the difference between Bolshevism (bukharinism) and Leninism is the importance and power of the Btw, Trotskyism should probably be contrasted with Stalinism. The terms Leninism and Stalinism weren't used by Lenin or Stalin to describe their own ideologies. So, starting point is Marxism or Marxist-Leninism, then a split into Stalinism vs Trotskyism. It quotes from Lenin pretty heavily and discusses the implications of Leninist theory in practice. In the Soviet Union, they had a participatory democracy where the workers held power. All of that is pretty much exaggeration of opponent`s position. Stalinism is Marxist-Leninism which is a supposed synthesis of the two as produced by Stalin. ) So basically Trotskyism is Libertarian Leninism Anarchists advocate a self-managed, classless, stateless society without borders, bosses, or rulers where everyone takes collective responsibility for the health and prosperity of themselves and the environment. Hey everyone. Now this is the standard Leninism splits into Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism. Trotskyism (called Bolshevik-Leninism by Trotsky) is concerned with the un-democratic nature of the USSR. The points of dispute between Marxism-Leninism and by extension Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and Trotskyism is mainly the same thing that manifests itself in different forms. However they were political allies for some period between 1917 and 1922, before that they were political rivals. Marxism-Leninism is one of the biggest historical examples of "Do as we say, not as we did". a. In Europe it's demsocs, Anarchists and Trotskyists. V. Valentino Gerratana’s article appeared in probelemi del socialismo, January 1977, and is translated here by permission, with our thanks. Socialism in one country focuses on building socialism in one nation and helping other revolutionary movements if possible. yx vq cd ky hy hd cs le rv oe