Arch linux no pulseaudio daemon running. c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set.

Note that the 'exit' command inside the shell will Jan 26, 2014 · No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon. 0 MiB, maximum usable slot size is 65472 I: [pulseaudio] cpu-x86. This is my system. Notice that I am able to run pulseaudio in the host and share the socket with the pulseaudio within LXCguest. Steps to reproduce: Install lib32-libcanberra-pulse 0. 54 ms requested latency: 23. libldacBT_enc. 0-6, pulseaudio 4. And when I try to start JACK through Cadence with the pulseaudio bridge, then it all seems fine: no Xruns, and I can see volume bars moving in pavucontrol. $ pulseaudio -k E: [pulseaudio] main. May 27, 2020 · Re: [SOLVED] PulseAudio no Microphone for Google Chrome I was able to resolve this by completely killing all Google Chrome and Chromium processes before restarting Google Chrome or Chromium. c: pa_pid_file_create() failed. 0-6, pulseaudio-alsa 2-2. Upon further investigation, I noticed that if the PulseAudio daemon was started/restarted, any applications that were running prior to the start/restart Oct 8, 2012 · I have reinsatlled pulseaudio and libpulse to no avail, removing all config files in the process. ) No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon. config/pulse, which fixes the issue temporarily. Sep 4, 2015 · As the wiki says, I tried to reset pulseaudio and then wanting to start it. If the output says muted, run pamixer -u to unmute. Kill an already running PulseAudio daemon of the calling user (Equivalent to sending a SIGTERM). E: [pulseaudio] pid. g. Dec 12, 2017 · I: [pulseaudio] main. So I want to grant access the LXCguest to the sound card hw and let pulse take over. Sometimes I get this fixed with: $ pulseaudio -vvvvv. I followed the instructions on the PulseAudio ArchWiki page under "Daemon startup failed" without success. So I did, and now Pulseaudio doesn't recognize my Xonar DG audio card anymore. because my microphone did not work. The arch linux one is always quite good. Any hints? I can't just start another pulseaudio-session in tty as it can't connect to dbus, which relies on X11 apparently. c: Failed to kill daemon: No such process $ pulsemixer Failed to connect to pulseaudio: Connection refused $ systemctl --user status pulseaudio pulseaudio. May 13, 2020 · ALSA + Pulseaudio thus works together now (at some point it didn't, before I copied back the old asound. I'd say it's pretty safe to say you're going to fare better with it if you have a bluetooth device as there's lots of development and catching up to do here that pulse isn't really able to move as fast into. You probably need a way to fake these. Aug 11, 2021 · My problem is simple: I was hearing some buzzing noises from games ran with wine, so I searched the web and found that doing. Nov 11, 2012 · Registered: 2012-11-15. c: User-configured server at localhost, refusing to start/autospawn. c: Failed to open configuration file: Permission denied A quick internet search recommends chowning ~/. c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-module-loading not set. service. config/i3/config and that doesn't do anything. Somebody will have to compile a list of Display Managers that start pulseaudio no matter what, and if any of those Display Managers are being used, don't start pulseaudio. pci-0000_00_1f. 00 muted: no current latency: 41. I will afterwards expose the socket for other containers. 0 D: [pulseaudio] main. Making pulseaudio and tcp communication work when pulseaudio is run as a regular user. Rebooting the PC is another option. My dotfiles are soft symlinks, I assume that doesn't makes a E: [pulseaudio] core-util. $ pacmd. I have used many hours on this and I really cannot get it to work. We may need to unmute audio devices: for ALSA: use alsamixer. I don't have any problem with sound on my computer but I realized that `pulseaudio` is not starting correctly. Oct 31, 2021 · Stack Exchange Network. Hi guys, I have a problem with pulseaudio server, it seems that start someway, but the real issue is that unload the bluetooth module, and I need it. This task depends upon. $ systemctl --user status pulseaudio. 0-3' Mar 27, 2016 · Install pulseaudio and make sure user (e. > Current user = <my username> You'll note that the script is indeed being run as <my username> per getpass. Jul 22 16:45:37 robert-laptop rtkit-daemon[512]: Supervising 5 threads of 2 processes of 2 users. 0 10936 1080 pts/0 S+ 19:51 0:00 grep pulse. If you DO want to use system mode, use /etc/rc. $ pulseaudio -D. Now i've migrated to Gnome enviroment, so i thought also about migrating to PulseAudio. Oct 1, 2008 · I checked the processes to see if pulseaudio is still running after i close the first program and it shows it has quit. I am added to the audio group. This would be fine, but SDL has really static-filled audio, as does alsa, when running lxdream. Mar 30, 2020 · I: [pulseaudio] main. Running it as sudo pulseaudio: E: [pulseaudio] core-util. It's still not working. Checking password_cmd No password_cmd specified No proxy specified Using software volume controller. Starting with PulseAudio 0. I installed pulseaudio and pulseaudio-alsa, but when I run lxdream I get the message "unable to open audio output (pulseaudio)" and that it falls back to SDL. This forum is for topics specific to the Raspberry Pi and Arch Linux ARM. c: D-Bus name org. If I manually remove the lockfile and restart all services get restarted no problem but pactl still cant connect to the server. W: [pulseaudio] main. c: System supports high resolution timers I: [pulseaudio] cpu-x86. lock file. If I run with debug log level, I see the following: I: [pulseaudio] module. E: [pulseaudio] main. c: Compilation CFLAGS: -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -Wall -W -Wextra -Wno-long-long -Wno-overlength-strings -Wuns afe-loop-optimizations -Wundef -Wformat=2 -Wlogical-op -Wsign Dec 21, 2007 · DAEMONS=(syslog-ng avahi-daemon hal pulseaudio !network dhcdbd networkmanager iptables netfs crond fam @cups stbd vmware gdm) And my groups : $ groups sys adm disk lp wheel network video audio optical storage scanner camera users stb-admin pulse-access To troubleshoot via CLI only, install pamixer and check the output of the following command: $ pamixer --get-volume-human. I have checked through some pulseaudio options and noticed two that are probably affecting it: exit-idle-time. c: Running in system mode: no E: [pulseaudio] pid. After all ssh sessions to the server end, Pulseaudio stops with a message "Daemon terminated. Since rtkit-daemon is being installed as a dependency of pulseaudio I will try to uninstall and reinstall pulseaudio as suggested and post my results in a bit. c: Failed to load module "module-native-protocol-unix" (argument: ""): initialization failed. asoundrc). > No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon. To check if the replacement is working, run the following command for the Server Name and default input/output: Mar 15, 2016 · I have set up a raspberry running volumio to support pulseaudio on the network with zeronconf. Apr 27, 2013 · For this to work I need both regular wavesound and also midi support. When running startx on Arch Linux, the error: E: [pulseaudio] main. c: Loaded "module-esound-protocol-unix" (index: #9; argument: ""). Interestingly, pulseaudio will work with. Reboot, re-login or stop pulseaudio. For your purposes, PipeWire is much better, as it's more suited for flexibility and the ability to . Is this right, and if not, what to do about it? For the meantime, the sound seems to work okay, but it seems like a recipe for trouble to me. service and start the pipewire-pulse. Sep 25, 2018 · I: [pulseaudio] main. Ive used earlier a Kde system succesfuly, with ALSA as sound daemon. Leave all default and start your system. I have tried to invoke this command in ~/. `--> sudo fuser -v /dev/snd/*. For running a dedicated PulseAudio server accepting client connections over TCP, the daemon must be started on boot as a system service. config/i3/config: exec --no-startup-id pulseaudio --kill. c: bind(): Address already in use. Besides that, I have these 2 lines in my ~/. socket should be enabled automatically by the package. . 3 the daemon can be run as a system-wide instance which than can be shared by multiple local users. c: No sink found by this name or index. I install pavucontrol and unmuted all the audio. c: This is PulseAudio 10. I: [pulseaudio] remap_mmx. I suspected something going wrong when initializing my autostart daemons. It's 0% when idle (as expected) but if a game is playing audio, it can be between 2 and 50%, depending on the game. pulseaudio fails with the following errors. Additional info: I don't use any DE but Openbox only which I run from . Normally, no further action is needed as the user service pipewire-pulse. pa. c> flags: START_CORKED state: RUNNING sink: 0 <alsa_output. c: Daemon already running, Prevent by modifying xinitrc. Is there any way to fix this error? Dec 03 07:22:50 thinkpad pulseaudio[1599]: [pulseaudio] pid. Indeed, Pulseaudio seems to have some trouble (but the sound output works just fine). $ pulseaudio. service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. If it displays a low percentage value, you can run pamixer -i 10 several times to turn up the volume gradually. Jan 29, 2020 · The problem is, Pulseaudio stops right after this user logs off the server. 3. so. conf and . c: Initialising MMX optimized volume functions. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I literally have no clue whats going on, could someone please help? Last edited by dext (2020-01-29 20:56:39) PulseAudio runs as a server daemon that can run either system-wide or on per-user basis using a client/server architecture. In some situations however, such as embedded systems where no real notion of a user exists, it makes sense to use the Jul 16, 2018 · I: [pulseaudio] main. KDM should start one automatically but if you are using a tty login, you will need to prepend dbus-launch to your kde startup command in your ~/. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Here's what pulseaudio and pacmd commands show: $ pulseaudio. Jun 5, 2019 · I read in pulseaudio what i needed to installed (that's why i installed pulseaudio, pulseaudio-alsa and pulsemixer), so I thought that i didn't need alsa-utils anymore. E: [pulseaudio] module. c: Failed to create secure directory (/run/user/1000/pulse): Permission denied The output as root for this command was the same. Running Factorio for example causes Pulse to use 15-20% CPU time May 7, 2017 · # pacman -R pulseaudio checking dependencies error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: gnome-settings-daemon: removing pulseaudio breaks dependency 'pulseaudio' :: pulseaudio-alsa: removing pulseaudio breaks dependency 'pulseaudio' :: pulseaudio-bluetooth: removing pulseaudio breaks dependency 'pulseaudio=10. Thank you V1del! That usecase would probably be fine, and instructions on how to setup dbus session is in the page I linked, so you may still go this route if you wish. build:77:5: ERROR: Program 'm4' not found or not Kill an already running PulseAudio daemon of the calling user (Equivalent to sending a SIGTERM). Jul 13, 2012 · So, I've been trying to set up pulseaudio, specifically for lxdream. (dbus-monitor shows action as well). Running with default values No username specified. >Also "it didn't work" isn't useful. Jan 9, 2018 · Hi all, since a few weeks I was having issues with the sound, namely no sound after I was starting my system from hibernation or sleep mode. conf - pulse is supposed to exit after 20 secs of idle - so that is clearly not happening. I mean, my pc doesn't output sound. Apr 7, 2023 · "No PulseAudio daemon running" Hey @rhodes, I'm working on a similar thing. In addition, I have tried running pulseaudio as a system-wide instance. Dec 03 07:22:50 thinkpad pulseaudio[1599]: [pulseaudio] pid. " Pulseaudio's parent pid is 1. PulseAudio1 already taken. c: Daemon startup failed (in red) When I run pulseaudio --start I get the same thing. Sorry for the delay, have been travelling. c: Failed to start the daemon. Socket is enabled by default: systemctl --user status pulseaudio. PulseAudio is a audio server, different programs connect to it to play and record audio, and it handles the mixing, audio levels and stuff like that. I've even tried to run it on tmux. socket. Produces no output on the console except for errors to stderr. 2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or direct> Nov 01 16:07:02 tapia-laptop pulseaudio[39626]: Cannot open LDAC encoder library: libldacBT_enc. 22 ms sample spec: float32le 2ch 44100Hz channel map: front-left Feb 7, 2017 · According to /etc/pulse/daemon. $ pulseaudio -D E: [pulseaudio] main. c: Found 8 CPUs. On my machine I run pulseaudio together with ALSA. Feb 6, 2016 · If anyone can point me to the right direction on how to create the user pulse so I can start the pulseaudio daemon process that would be great. Jul 23, 2017 · Rather, I need to manually launch the daemon with "pulseaudio &" once logged in. pulseaudio --system. So I run timidity++, but whenever I start the midi daemon with Nov 12, 2020 · spotifyd --no-daemon No config file specified. 00 dB balance 0. However, while PulseAudio does appear to have permission to hijack the various audio sources, it doesn't assign any sinks to them. Oct 15, 2019 · $ pulseaudio E: [pulseaudio] main. $ pulseaudio --start. Generally I have to add sudo before any pulseaudio command so that it works. Don't do that. Choppy/Distorted Audio. pa Apr 10, 2017 · note the immediate follow up -S -u after showing the package list with -Sy. This is when I get this message. [patrick@redbox ~]$ sudo fuser -v /dev/snd/*. Cannot find current volume. I want to run zoom on an aws ec2-vm and then connect to a zoom call from that ec2 server. c: Compilation CFLAGS: Not yet supported on meson D: [pulseaudio] main. Could anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you Jan 26, 2013 · - reinstall pulseaudio - trying to run as system-wide - adding my user to audio group - removing my user from audio group - created the pulse user/group for the system-wide daemon - running pulseaudio --system --start as root - adding my user to the pulse group - and roll back again the operations Jan 9, 2018 · Almost every time when I start my system after suspend or hibernate state, there is no sound. pulseaudio produces. This sets up pulseaudio to be used as an alsa device by default so applications use it without any additional configuration. I'm also suggesting to verify pulseaudio isn't already running before trying to start pulseaudio. c: Using shared memfd memory pool with 1024 slots of size 64. How can I determine the underlying issue and permanently stop it from happening? This tool can be used to introspect or reconfigure a running PulseAudio sound server during runtime. [] E: [pulseaudio] main. c: CPU flags: CMOV MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4_1 I tried: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio, reboot, sudo apt-get install pulseaudio and reboot. " pacmd list-sinks returns the exatct same thing Oct 16, 2019 · Compiler supports mmx: YES Compiler supports sse: YES Compiler supports neon: NO Configuring start-pulseaudio-x11 using configuration Configuring 00-pulseaudio-x11 using configuration Program desktop-file-validate found: YES (/usr/sbin/desktop-file-validate) Program m4 found: NO src/daemon/meson. c: System supports high resolution timers D: [pulseaudio] memblock. Richy Oct 10, 2011 · The solution for me is to autostart pulseaudio --start together with i3 (using . $ ps aux | grep pulse. c: Running in system mode: no I: [pulseaudio] main. The file /etc/pulse/default. Should help. Ive installed it in the same way as on the Arch wiki, replacing /usr/bin/esd with /usr/bin/esdcompat (but ive also tried running pulse as daemon). I cannot seem to solve this problem. pa configuration scripts. Feb 15, 2021 · pacmd list-sink-inputs 1 sink input(s) available. Jun 22 09:04:33 arch rtkit-daemon[475]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users. Passing --no-confirm is generally discouraged, because even if the official packages have a situation that would require your intervention you are expected to consciously think about if this is the right thing to do. But alsa seems to do so. I also have tried to invoke it in a script called by ~/. so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or Nov 27, 2021 · After installing and starting the pulseaudio daemon and restarting. eric) is part of the audio group: sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils sudo adduser eric audio Change /etc/asound. $ pacmd Failed to create secure directory (/run/user/1000/pulse): Permission denied No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon # pacmd Daemon not responding. user 1459 0. Jan 19, 2022 · By that virtue it will eventually have functionality that's not as present in pulseaudio. 0-1 Attached to Project: Arch Linux Opened by Tomasz Przybył (FadeMind) - Monday, 09 March 2015, 18:23 GMT Apr 16, 2009 · Re: [Solved] Control pulseaudio with shell script via pacmd PulseAudio uses some environment variables and X11 properties on the root window. d/pulseaudio instead of your own line with options. remixing-use-all-sink-channels= If enabled, use all sink channels when remixing. 30-4, lib32-libpulse 4. As always, any help on the matter is highly appreciated! Sep 13, 2014 · Attempting to start from a terminal using. I am trying to get startx to work and when I run it it comes up with: E: [pulseaudio] main. c: Failed to initialize daemon due to errors while executing startup commands. 0 0. Checking username_cmd No username_cmd specified No password specified. Re: Pulseaudio Daemon Startup Run per-user, system mode is a bad idea except for very specific use-cases. Dec 14, 2013 · W: [pulseaudio] daemon-conf. 2. I left pulseaudio completely unmodified and do not start it explicitly, at least not that I am aware of. Unfortunately it doesn't from my laptop on Arch, I can't see any new audio output in pavucontrol or gnome sound manager. Apr 17, 2021 · I have both pulseaudio and pipewire running as sound servers. Start with pulseaudio --start and see the documentation to know how to do it. Jul 2, 2021 · Posts: 1. If you want pulseaudio to start right after login: systemctl --user enable pulseaudio. fails with: N: [pulseaudio] main. #2 2012-04-29 08:57:45. USER PID ACCESS COMMAND. To exit the live shell, use ctrl+d. service - Sound Service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user Jun 25, 2016 · Running pacmd list sinks gives me the message: "No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon" Could this happen because user "kodi", which launches the kodi interface, has /usr/bin/nologin as shell and thus, pulseaudio doesn't launch? Pulseaudio is installed because i also use kde from time to time and i think it's a dependency. xinitrc. Against Arch linux philosophy of staying in control, I feel like i've lost it. Though it seems that I have two sound cards on this laptop. I need every-tip i can get: Here is some outputs from my commands: $ pacmd list-sinks | less. Offline. Sep 5, 2021 · and then to enable alsa-state and alsa-restore to start with system (via "systemctl enable"). I've noticed that when playing games, PulseAudio uses a less than insignificant amount of CPU time and this doesn't seem to have any real valid reason. I can show you my default. $ start-pulseaudio-x11. analog-stereo> volume: front-left: 65536 / 100% / 0. c: Daemon already running. To me it seems that something is starting the daemon multiple times. is returned. c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set. FS#38412 - [pulseaudio] pid. c: This is PulseAudio 13. Note that in most desktop use cases, system mode likely is not the right choice. xinitrc (also ln -s ~/. Aug 11, 2016 · Now I do have sound (with the laptop's built in speakers), but pavucontrol is not loading (frozen at Establishing connection with pulseaudio. 9. So, often I had to do a restart to get the sound back. c: pa_pid_file_create() failed Next I tried the solution proposed in the following troubleshooting at Daemon_startup_failed but always no positive result. c: Initialising MMX optimized remappers. c: CPU flags: CMOV MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4_1 SSE4_2 MMXEXT I: [pulseaudio] svolume_mmx. This takes care of regular wave sound but not midi since my sound card (Intel HDA laptop chip) does not have a built-in synth as far as I can tell. Any help would be appreciated. pulseaudio --start. [johndoe@abox ~]$. It works fine with my desktop and htpc (running elementaryOS and Debian respectively). pa file and my daemon. Jan 1, 2018 · The chassis' front panel audio also doesn't appear to be detected. $ pulseaudio -vvv. I found that exit-idle-time refers to the daemon being terminated after a certain amount of idle time Jul 8, 2017 · I'm running KDE DE and pulseaudio is refusing to start and "No output or input device found" is what appears when I click on audio volume. pa an added the line. i3/config file) and mapping the volume keys to amixer commands. Nov 11, 2022 · any help is superbly appreciated, many thanks in advance. pulseaudio -k. Similarly, the HDMI and DisplayPort outputs from the GPU are detected. d/pulseadio & PKGBUILD Attached to Project: Arch Linux Opened by Colin Keenan (colinkeenan) - Tuesday, 07 January 2014, 23:38 GMT Oct 22, 2009 · Which is why I said to post the output, I don't expect you to be able to discern what is written there at first glance if this is your first time debugging pulseaudio, but we can only help you if we have the diagnostics from your system, don't worry about the length of the lines, code tags are prefectly capable to create readable chunks out of lengthy text, or use a pasting website Also that FS#44118 - [pulseaudio] pid. 0-6, libpulse 4. Mar 4, 2019 · "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (/run/user/0) is not owned by us (uid 1000), but by uid 0! (This could e g happen if you try to connect to a non-root PulseAudio as a root user, over the native protocol. c: Home directory not accessible: Permission denied. No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon. 13-zen1-1-zen #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT Wed, 25 Mar 2020 16:04:45 +0000 D: [pulseaudio] main. To configure Pulseaudio Server to our needs we may Nov 6, 2022 · Still pipewire-pulse does not seem to be able to start on startup due to somehow unable to get access to the pulseaudio-0. Sep 27, 2008 · I am experiencing some lag on startup when logging in with my user. c: Compilation host: x86_64 D: [pulseaudio] main. exec --no-startup-id pulseaudio -vvvvv. E: [pulseaudio] socket-server. Posts: 897. index: 10 driver: <protocol-native. $ pulseaudio --kill. Killing pulseaudio and restarting it without logging out of plasma seems to work as expected in plasma, but the cpu usage for pulseaudio goes up again if logging out and back in to the plasma desktop. 00 dB, front-right: 65536 / 100% / 0. Feb 26, 2011 · This command will play a sound file to a given sink: $ pacmd play-file <filename> <sinkname>. Apr 2, 2012 · Posts: 56. It connects to the sound server and offers a simple live shell that can be used to enter the commands also understood in the default. If I manually start Pulseaudio from CLI, still no cards are detected and pacmd list-sinks doesn't show my audio card rather it shows some dummy output PulseAudio running – pulseaudio --check to verify the daemon is active; User groups – Your user should be added to the audio group; Also try restarting PulseAudio with pulseaudio --kill followed by pulseaudio --start. Sep 27, 2017 · Sep 27 07:47:36 abox systemd[1]: rtkit-daemon. If that is the case, disable the service files again, and set them up as a Systemd User Service instead. The daemon by itself does nothing without its modules except to provide an API and host dynamically loaded modules. I did this, then, as suggested, I rebooted the system: nothing changed. does not start even with a judge's order. Also trying to access pavucontrol gives me errors until I use sudo pulseaudio --start then sudo pavucontrol. I also have ALSA running. c: Compilation host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu D: [pulseaudio] main. Mar 22, 2021 · I: [pulseaudio] main. Aug 14, 2011 · ~ /usr/bin/pulseaudio-ctl mute No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon. Oct 23, 2016 · They will start before your session is up, grab and hog your audio card and pulse can't access them anymore. getuser(). E: [pulseaudio] core-util. Last edited by Fred7109 (2017-04-20 21:51:31) Jan 3, 2019 · Website. Please wait" and I get this when I run "pulseaudio" E: [pulseaudio] main. Source of commands: /etc/pulse/default. c: Daemon already running regression in 6. allow-exit. conf file (i just have the default ones) if it's Jan 22, 2013 · I have been unsuccessfully trying to get pulseaudio working (as sound server) within a LXC. E. c: Daemon startup failed. Dec 9, 2020 · Jun 22 09:04:33 arch pulseaudio[2517]: Stale PID file, overwriting. This happend after i edited /etc/pulse/default. for Pulseaudio: use pacmd set-sink-mute n 0 where n is the sink index (likely 0) For further CLI commands see also the Pulse Audio Wiki. I don't understand why this is happening. Last edited by Gueatu (2022-11-11 16:30:09) Sep 3, 2019 · HDMI and DP and USB-C should work. After running this command, which took some time, it appears the daemon is now running when I check via `pulseaudio --check` which returns nothing. c: Daemon startup without any loaded modules, refusing to work. The PulseAudio daemon normally starts as a user service when a user logs in and attempts to play some sort of audio. service user unit to see the effect. Then, I tried the solution proposed by this question to fix the accessibility problem of the home directory: Nov 13, 2011 · It seems that 'someone' stops the pulseaudio-daemon when switching to TTY. load-module module-alsa-source device=hw:2,0. 5. xsession) without success. We recommend running the PulseAudio daemon per-user, just like the traditional ESD sound daemon. --check Return 0 as return code when the PulseAudio daemon is already running for the calling user, or non-zero otherwise. conf look like the following. Jun 22 09:04:33 arch rtkit-daemon[475]: Successfully made thread 2523 of process 2517 owned by '1000' RT at priority 5. Hm. Though, PulseAudio is old, and is being replaced by PipeWire, which is what Fedora uses. Sep 5, 2011 · Jul 22 16:45:37 robert-laptop rtkit-daemon[512]: Successfully made thread 2245 of process 2245 (/usr/bin/pulseaudio) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11. Jul 17, 2017 · I: [pulseaudio] main. Soli Deo Gloria! - To God alone be the glory! Offline. There is no known valid use case for setting this option to no, therefore, this option is deprecated and may be removed in a future version of PulseAudio. Whenever I start pulseaudio, it fails to daemonize. Choppy or distorted audio usually indicates incompatible audio Jul 6, 2011 · Stebalien wrote: IIRC pulseaudio also needs a session bus. Nov 27, 2017 · I recently noticed that pulseaudio does not start automatically, and I cannot start it from the command line. c: Running on host: Linux x86_64 5. ') Mar 13, 2013 · Nov 01 16:07:02 tapia-laptop pulseaudio[39626]: Cannot open LDAC encoder library: libldacBT_enc. Any help will be really appreciated, as I'm nearly giving up, because when I look online it seems that everyone have different solutions. Preferences shows only dummy output if external display with sound is not connected. 0 KiB each, total size is 64. However, I don't hear any sound. pa is missing. My user level DBus seems to be fine, it's just the system level DBus. hd xx ne he hx pn up tf kk tq