Goblin: A creature with this trait can be one of several kinds of creature, including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. Greater Weapon Specialization Level 15 Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you're an expert, 6 if you're a master, and 8 if you're legendary Gnome: A creature with this trait is a member of the gnome ancestry. Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, rogue’s racket, sneak attack 1d6, surprise attack, rogue feat, skill feat. An item with this trait is created and used by orcs. Area 30-foot cone or 10-foot emanation. Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, flurry of blows, monk feat, powerful fist. Ardande Ifrit Oread Suli Sylph Talos Undine SourceAncestry Guide pg. 275Most characters in Pathfinder carry weapons, ranging from mighty warhammers to graceful bows to even simple clubs. This weapon doesn't take up your hand, usually because it is built into your armor. If your next action is an Elemental Blast, choose a weapon shape for it to take. 0 Certain feats, class features, weapon runes, and other effects can grant you additional benefits when you make a Strike with certain weapons and get a critical success. Player Build: The Dirty-Fighting Ruffian (Rogue, Dual-Weapon Warrior arc) Player Builds. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by elves. Adamantine weapons have a shiny black appearance and cut through lesser items with ease. Advanced weapons typically have a slightly higher power budget associated with them. You become trained in all simple weapons. Combination weapons combine the functionality of melee weapons and ranged weapons in unique or unusual ways. Artillerist Dedication Feat 2 Source Guns & Gears pg. Greetings, another evening another build, got into the mood for a dual weapon fighter with simpler weapons and joys of life, so decided to make a ruffian build that leans heavily into ruffian and what they are good at, on top of making your enemy's life Like any weapon adept, the archer's skill is forged through experience and constant practice. In addition, you gain access to all uncommon hobgoblin weapons. 1 If you retrieve a two-handed item with only one hand, you still need to change your grip before you can wield or use it. Mirror implements represent misdirection, illusion, and sleight of hand, bending and shifting a perspective and the way you look at things. 271 4. 3 Retrieving an item stowed in Weapons. The target weapon becomes translucent and ghostly, and it can affect material and incorporeal creatures and objects. Jun 5, 2021 · Sap: A tragic victim of the transition from the Pathfinder 1e to Pathfinder 2e. 99 2. If you were already trained in all simple weapons, you become trained in all martial weapons. The combination weapons table lists the ranged weapon statistics first and the melee weapon statistics indented beneath Archives of Nethys Character Creation +. Many magic weapons are created by etching runes onto them, as described on page 580. The highest price is for items like magic weapons, magic armor, and apex items. Mar 8, 2021 · You can purchase weapons, armor, and other items for your size with the same statistics as normal gear, except that melee weapons have a reach of 0 for you (or a reach 5 feet shorter than normal if they have the reach trait). They have a big impact on combat or player ability. Held items are in your hands; a character typically has two hands, allowing them to hold an item in each hand or a single two-handed item using both hands. It fires a large quantity of projectiles in a short burst. Piercing Wind. Both are 1d6 1 handed weapons with finesse and sweep, but chain sword also had reach, which might very well be the most powerful trait on a melee weapon, especially on a 1-handed melee weapon. You can usually find these items for sale in most cities and other large settlements. Duration 5 minutes. Duration 1 minute. A few items, such as a longbow, list 1+ for its Hands entry. You favor unusual weapons tied to your people Base Weapons. 38. In addition, you gain access to all uncommon geniekin weapons. A line drawn between the center of your space and the center of your ally's space must pass through opposite sides or opposite corners of the foe's space. Dwarves are stout folk who often live underground and typically have darkvision. Weapons 8-Round Magazine, Air Repeater, Arquebus, Axe Musket, Barricade Buster, Big Boom Gun, Black Powder Knuckle Dusters, Blunderbuss, Cane Pistol, Clan Pistol, Coat Pistol, Dagger Pistol, Double-barreled Musket, Double Weapon groups are defined as follows (GMs may add other weapons to these groups, or add entirely new groups): Axes axe-gauntlet, dwarven heavy, axe-gauntlet, dwarven Traits. You take a –2 item penalty to attack rolls with an improvised weapon. Attacks with these weapons deal an extra 1d4 positive damage to . 0 Some weapons require one hand to wield, and others require two. Applying alchemical poisons uses Interact actions. A weapon with this trait is created and used by elves. A true archer becomes one with the bow and is able to accomplish with that weapon things that most would consider impossible, or at least nearly magical. A weapon with this trait is created and used by gnomes. An item with this trait is created and used by tengus. 0 An item can be broken or destroyed if it takes enough damage. They treat any object they hit as if it had half as much Hardness as usual These weapons are used as a pair, complementing each other. Specific Magic Weapons. A creature is (taking a –2 circumstance penalty to AC) to melee attacks from creatures that are flanking it. Ancestry feats make them usually worth it, archetypes comes 2nd and finally there's a fighter/gunslinger feat that allow you to use full proficiency. A variant of the Light theme, based on the Rulebooks. 580 4. Hobgoblin. Full details on how you calculate the bonuses, modifiers, and penalties for attack rolls and damage rolls are summarized here, followed by the rules for weapons and dozens of weapon choices. Chapter 6: Equipment. Poison doses are typically kept in a vial or some other type of safe and secure container. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. If an item is reduced to 0 HP, it’s destroyed. Blunderbuss: This firearm has a short, large caliber barrel that is flared at the muzzle. Table 2-2: Innovation Armor Statistics. 599 4. When you attack with a twin weapon, you add a circumstance bonus to the damage roll equal to the weapon’s number of damage dice if you have previously attacked with a different weapon of the same type this turn. Elves are mysterious people with rich traditions of magic and scholarship who typically have low-light vision. Range touch; Targets 1 weapon that is unattended or wielded by you or a willing ally. 3. 128 Prerequisites trained in martial weapons Agile Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. The projectile is made of lead and is expelled out of a firearm's barrel at tremendous speeds thanks to smokepowder. Normally an item takes damage only when a creature is directly attacking it Weapon Descriptions. The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the second attack on your turn is –4 instead of –5, and –8 instead of –10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn. This set of tubing snakes down the striking surface of a weapon to deliver alchemical explosives. Some rare and exotic materials require master or even legendary proficiency. A single lesser alchemical bomb can be fitted to the weapon siphon as an Interact action. HazardsMonstersSourcesAbout the Archives +. Source Rage of Elements pg. Backstabber is lower damage, but it's super consistent to what we want to do. Items have Hit Points like creatures, but the rules for damaging them are different (page 272). Activate [one-action] Interact; Effect The weapon takes the shape of another melee weapon that requires the same number of hands to wield. For the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial geniekin Heightened (+2) The sonic damage increases by 1 per Strike (and the maximum damage increases by 4). Others might look upon them with disdain, but you know that Source Core Rulebook pg. This flurry deals four dice of damage to creatures in the area. Light theme from beyond the crypt. Equipment (Non-Magical)Magic ItemsTechnology. To determine the Price of 10 pieces of ammunition, use the base Price for a single Jan 12, 2022 · Firearms are stunningly diverse. Concentrate Electricity Manipulate Metal. Flickmace users will forever be a bane, however, its cult have died down recently. 453 4. Tengus are humanoids who resemble birds. Magical enhancements make this weapon strike true. Tiger Stance - d8 slashing plus agile, finesse, d4 persistent bleed on crit and the ability to step 10 ft instead of 5. SourcePlayer Core pg. These green-skinned people tend to have darkvision. These rules for Bulk limits come up most often when a group tries to load up a Slim Feel. Weapons with the nonlethal trait (including fists) do this automatically. Your proficiency rank for your fighter class DC increases to master. Deity Ferrumnestra. LicensesProjectsContact UsContributorsSupport the Archives. When you attack with this weapon, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to General: A type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. Activate [one-action] Interact. Saving Throw Reflex. Whatever the case if vehicles are common throughout your world, they're likely to come up in your game. Your proficiency ranks for unarmed attacks, simple weapons, and martial weapons increase to master. 354Traditions arcane, divine, occult, primal Patron Theme the inscribed one Cast[two-actions]Range touch; Targets 1 weapon that is unattended or wielded by a willing creature Duration 1 minute The weapon glimmers with magic as temporary runes carve down its length. Druid. 217 1. Gnomes are small people skilled at magic who seek out new experiences and usually have low-light vision. These small people are friendly wanderers considered to be lucky. A creature with this trait is a member of the dwarf ancestry. In combat, you favor the brutal weapons that are traditional for your orc ancestors. 0 Property runes add special abilities to armor or a weapon in addition to the item’s fundamental runes. Uncommon SourceGuns & Gears pg. A weapon with this trait is created and used by halflings. You've trained with a blade and other tengu weapons ever since you hatched. Special During your daily preparations, you can prepare a number of simple injury poisons equal to your rogue level. So a +1 striking weapon is 100 gp at 4th level. Price 9,000 gp (+900 gp per Bulk) Craft Requirements at least 4,500 gp of cold iron + 450 gp per Bulk. With a moment of manipulation, you can shift this weapon into a different weapon with a similar form. Cold iron weapons deal additional damage to creatures with weakness to cold iron, like demons and fey. This is forced movement. The bomb must be one that deals energy damage, such as an acid flask The magic weapon stat block covers the Prices and attributes of the most common weapons you can make with only fundamental runes. An item can be made with no more than one precious material, and only an expert in Crafting can create it. If you attack with something that wasn’t built to be a weapon, such as a chair or a vase, you’re making an attack with an improvised weapon. 0 You can use this weapon to Trip with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand. Finesse: The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. Halfling: A creature with this trait is a member of the halfling ancestry. This is called a critical specialization effect. Defensive Robes Level 13 The flow of magic and your training combine to help you avoid attacks. 295 4. You are trained with falchions, ranseurs, scimitars, and tridents. Doctrines can be found here. Definitely worth. Class Features. The target becomes a +1 striking weapon, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the number of weapon damage dice to two. Weapon Infusion [free-action] Feat 1. Your innovation armor can have fundamental and property runes added to it in the same way as ordinary armor. Most characters in Pathfinder carry weapons, ranging from mighty warhammers to graceful bows to even simple clubs. You can always decide not to add the critical specialization effect of your weapon. GM's are expected equip their monsters and such with appropriately sized weapons; otherwise, they can also gloss over Source Dark Archive pg. A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. 50 2. 283 4. You gain these features as a Monk. A potency rune is what makes a weapon a magic weapon (page 599) or armor magic armor (page 556). You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat. Interact. The weapon glimmers with magic and energy. An ability with this trait can be used or chosen only by goblins. 0 This weapon can be used defensively to block attacks. 2 A creature must have a hand free for someone to pass an item to them, and they might then need to change their grip if they receive an item requiring two hands to wield or use. 105Access: The following regions have access to gunslingers: Ustalav, the Shackles, Alkenstar, Tian Xia, Arcadia PFS Note All Pathfinder Society agents have access to the Gunslinger class. SourceGM Core pg. Usage etched onto a melee weapon; Bulk —. Quick display options: Short | Table. This chapter presents the various equipment that you can purchase during character creation. The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. A combination weapon has a ranged form or usage and a melee weapon form or usage. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by orcs. FAQSpells/RitualsRules +. You channel magical energy into the target weapon, and the air around it faintly hums each time you strike a blow, as the impact is absorbed into the weapon. Elf: A creature with this trait is a member of the elf ancestry. Cast [two-actions] Range touch; Targets 1 metal weapon that is unattended or attended by a willing creature. SourceCore Rulebook pg. You can choose to take a -2 penalty with a lethal weapon to make the attack nonlethal, and so long as you make that choice when you reduce the creature to 0 hit points you’re fine. While larger mirrors hold the same mystic connotations, thaumaturges always choose small, portable, handheld mirrors as implements so they can use them easily while adventuring. 0 Weapons made of precious materials are more expensive and sometimes have special effects. Bullet: These projectiles are the ammunition for firearms. Usage attached to a melee weapon; Bulk L. 142. Worn items are tucked into pockets, belt pouches, bandoliers, weapon sheaths, and so forth Precious Material Weapons. 10. Conductive Weapon Spell 1. Legacy Content. At 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels, you gain the benefits granted by your doctrine’s second, third, fourth, fifth, and final doctrines respectively. Items and Hit Points. It can bring ruin to the stoutest fortress in minutes, reducing even the mightiest works to rubble, burning them to ash, burying them beneath an avalanche of snow, or drowning them beneath the waves. . Further favoring Dex and needing to be counter-balanced is that you can get both melee and ranged attack rolls to succeed more frequently by raising just that one score - where Strength can A creature with this trait is a member of the elf ancestry. You favor traditional halfling weapons, so you've learned how to use Runes. 152The target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be stunned 1. 581 4. It can provide endless bounty and breathtaking splendor to those who respect it— and an You fully understand your weapons. You gain access to the critical specialization effects of all simple and martial weapons and unarmed attacks when attacking your hunted prey. If a suit of armor or a weapon has multiple etchings of the same rune, only the highest-level one applies. The rapier and Piercing Wind are main hand weapons and the dagger pistol is an off-hand weapon. The item then takes any damage left over. Name Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight Type Special; Bardiche: 13 gp: 1d8: 1d10: 19-20/x2 This is called a critical specialization effect. Primary items cost near the highest value for their level. The item bonus to attack rolls is +3, and the weapon can be etched with three property runes. These poisons deal 1d4 poison damage. Gorilla Stance - d8 bludgeoning plus backswing, forceful, grapple. Each time an item takes damage, reduce any damage the item takes by its Hardness. 331TraditionsCast, Range touch; Targets up to two weapons, each of which must be wielded by you or a willing ally, or else unattended Duration 1 minute You infuse weapons with positive energy. Each poison's stat block includes the Price and features for a single dose. Mithral weapons are slightly lighter than silver. You can make metal weapons out of any of these materials except darkwood, and wooden weapons out of darkwood. While some fear projectile weapons, you savor the searing flash, wild kick, and cloying smoke that accompanies a gunshot, or Range touch; Targets 1 weapon that is either unattended or wielded by you or a willing ally. Two-Handed Weapons. You channel powerful electric current through the metal of a weapon Price 225 gp. You can hold a weapon with a 1+ entry in one hand, but the process of shooting it requires using a second to retrieve, nock, and loose an arrow. You don’t need to adjust the Price from a club to a greataxe or the like. The exact effect depends on which weapon group your weapon belongs to, as listed below. Full details on how you calculate the bonuses, modifiers, and penalties for attack rolls and damage rolls are given in Chapter 8. Blackbird. 2. 1. Beast guns, cobbled guns, combination guns. Some advanced weapons are really worth it, some, not so much. DeitiesEquipment +. Improvised weapons are simple weapons. The weapons must be of the same type to benefit from this trait, but SourceCore Rulebook pg. The doctrines presented in this book are cloistered cleric and warpriest. A free-hand weapon can't be Disarmed. ClassesFeatsPrestige ClassesRacesSkillsTraitsMythic Index. Even in a game like Pathfinder 2e where there is a diverse array of mechanically unique distinct weaponry, firearms put everything else to shame in terms of diversity, specificty, uniqueness, and versatility. SourceGuns & Gears pg. Goblins tend to have darkvision. A variant of the Round feel, more compact. A weapon with this trait is created and used by goblins. You can use the hand covered by your Adamantine Weapon (High-Grade) Item 17. 0 Price 13,500 gp (+1,350 gp per Bulk) Craft Requirements at least 6,750 gp of mithral + 675 gp per Bulk. 279 4. This includes weapons, armor, and Perception items. Fighting for honor, greed, loyalty, or simply the thrill of battle, you are an undisputed master of weaponry and combat techniques. With a signature flair, you shape blasts of elemental power into the form of a weapon, such as a sword made of whirling wind or a bow that shoots flames. The GM determines the amount and type of damage the attack deals, if any, as well as any Vehicles. Weapon Property Runes Source Core Rulebook pg. Heightened (3rd) The damage increases to Traits. 210A villain on the run steals a carriage and sends the characters on a chase through the city, or the characters find an ancient airship and decide to take it for a spin. Forceful is Twin with fewer constraints (attacking with 1 weapon multiple times, vs dual wielding) Fatal is a better Deadly. If you critically fail the attack roll, the poison is wasted as normal. Namely, Twin, Forceful, Backstabber, Deadly, Fatal, and Propulsive . Price 8,935 gp. 0 The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the second attack on your turn is –4 instead of –5, and –8 instead of –10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn. An item with this trait is created and used by dwarves. Craft Requirements You are legendary in Crafting. Runic Weapon Spell 1 Concentrate Manipulate SourcePlayer Core pg. Traits. 0 The Bulk rules in this chapter are for Small and Medium creatures, as the items are made for creatures of those sizes. You combine your actions through clever combinations of opening moves, finishing strikes, and counterattacks whenever your foes are unwise enough Items and Sizes. 0. You gain expert proficiency in the club, crossbow, dagger, heavy crossbow, staff, and unarmed attacks. <br /><br /> The Prices here are for all types of weapons. While wielding this weapon, if your proficiency with it is trained or better, you can spend a single action to position your weapon defensively, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. Dex provides far better defense than Strength does as a result, for balance purposes, Dex provides less Offense than Strength does. You are trained with composite longbows, composite shortbows, glaives, longbows, longswords, and shortbows. Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. Their blades are heavy and they’re between 3 and 4 feet in length. Necromancy Positive SourceCore Rulebook pg. You can use this weapon to Trip with the Athletics skill even if you don't have a free hand Parry Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. Each of the weapons listed in the weapon tables are described on the pages linked below below. 282 4. An item has a Hardness statistic that reduces damage the item takes by that amount. Nonlethal weapons are basically useless. Monk feat, skill feat. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by gnomes. by Jonny. Because of the unique features of your innovation, everyone except you is untrained in it, even if they would normally be trained (or better) in medium armor. 272 4. Longswords can be one-edged or two‑edged swords. Characters who focus on combat need to carefully consider their choice of weapons, evaluating whether they want to fight in melee or at range, the weapons’ damage potential, and the special features of various weapons. This damage has the same type as the weapon and uses the same die size. Dragon Stance - d10 bludgeoning plus backswing and the ability to ignore the first square of difficult terrain. 224Most magic weapons and armor gain their enhancements from potent eldritch runes etched into them. Abilities gained at higher levels list the levels at which you gain them next to the features' names. Sweep: This weapon makes wide sweeping or spinning attacks, making it easier to attack multiple enemies. The GM is the final arbiter of what items can be made using a material. These runes allow for in-depth customization of items. Compare chain sword to probing cane. Price 10 gp. You favor bows and other elegant weapons. Each doctrine grants you initial benefits at 1st level. 583 4. Only you can apply these poisons properly, and they expire the next time you prepare. Cooperative Blade, Final Rest, Flame Tongue, Four-Tiger Blade, Gearblade, Holy Avenger, Kortos Diamond, Nexian Sealing Blade, Singing Sword, Smoking Sword, Spellcutter. To make your mark on the world, you’ll need to have the right equipment, including armor, weapons, and other gear. To flank a foe, you and your ally must be on opposite sides of the creature. 0 A character carries items in three ways: held, worn, and stowed. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by dwarves. Table. Click here for the full rules on Basic Magic Weapons. The magic weapon stat block covers the Wizard Weapon Expertise Level 11 Through a combination of magic and training, you’ve learned how to wield wizard weapons more effectively. 0 Price 13,500 gp (+1,350 gp per Bulk) Craft Requirements at least 6,750 gp of adamantine + 675 gp per Bulk. Club: You knock the target away from you up to 10 feet (you choose the distance). If a creature is wielding the weapon at the end of its turn, the weapon discharges a Most materials are metals; they can be used to make metal weapons and armor. Attack rolls with this weapon gain a +1 item bonus, and the weapon can be etched with one property Alchemical poisons are potent toxins distilled or extracted from natural sources and made either stronger or easier to administer. An item also has a Broken Threshold. Firearm. Mithral Weapon (High-Grade) Item 17. Traditions arcane, primal. Runes must be physically engraved on items through a special process to convey their effects. Book of the Dead. A creature with this trait is a member of the orc ancestry. Large creatures can carry more, and smaller creatures can carry less, as noted on Table 6–19. Cold Iron Weapon (High-Grade) Item 16. AfflictionsNPC IndexRulesTools. For the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial hobgoblin weapons are simple weapons and advanced hobgoblin weapons are Hands. Your Level. 0 You can make a nonlethal attack in an effort to knock someone out instead of killing them (see Knocked Out and Dying ). 0 Four fundamental runes produce the most essential magic of protection and destruction: armor potency and resilient runes for armor, and weapon potency and striking runes for weapons. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. A magic weapon is a weapon etched with only fundamental runes. Your proficiency ranks for simple and martial weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert. Full details on how you calculate the bonuses, modifiers, and penalties for attack rolls and damage rolls are given on Checks and Damage Rolls, but they’re summarized here, followed by the rules for weapons and dozens of weapon Most materials are metals; they can be used to make metal weapons and armor. You swing a weapon you're holding, and the weapon magically multiplies into duplicates that swipe at all creatures in either a cone or an emanation. A mithral weapon is 1 Bulk lighter than normal (or light Bulk if its normal Bulk is 1, with no effect on a weapon that Source Treasure Vault pg. For creatures that already have reach with the limb or limbs that wield the weapon, the weapon increases their reach by 5 feet. 0 You've trained with weapons used by your genie ancestors. Your kin have instilled in you an affinity for hard-hitting weapons, and you These green-skinned people tend to have darkvision. Source Core Rulebook pg. Source Character Guide pg. You can choose to change the blast's damage type to bludgeoning, piercing Ranger Weapon Expertise Level 5 You’ve dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your weapons. They take two forms: fundamental runes and property runes. Weapons with this trait are long and can be used to attack creatures up to 10 feet away instead of only adjacent creatures. The power of nature is impossible to resist. 1. Every item has a Hardness value. The weapon’s runes and any precious material The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. You take a –2 circumstance penalty to the attack roll when you make a nonlethal attack using a weapon that doesn't aWizardNamedLizard. A weapon potency rune gives an item bonus to attack rolls with the weapon, and a striking rune increases the weapon’s number of weapon damage dice. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by tengus. A creature with this trait is a member of the tengu ancestry. This uses the weapon's reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by halflings. Rogue feat, skill feat, skill increase. Trip Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. It can be wielded by a corporeal or incorporeal creature and gains the effects of the ghost touch property rune. Piercing Wind is a little harder to use in melee than than the Rapier Pistol due to Sweep + Forceful being harder to leverage but being able to increase your damage by using 2h can prove very useful. Attack Rolls SourceCore Rulebook pg. The rest of the damage reduces the item’s Hit Points. Forceful appears on the Elven Curve Blade. fx bg fe rf ur xt xl yo ju ji